Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

A Beginner’s Model: Launching Your Title IX Student Hearing Panel

A Beginner’s Model: Launching Your Title IX Student Hearing Panel

June 30 - July 1, 2020 | Eastern Time

Practice the steps and components of a sexual harassment hearing through a mock case study.


While Title IX hearings may have always been an intricate part of resolving your student cases, the new Title IX regulations now mandate that institutions must implement and utilize a hearing panel to resolve their sexual harassment cases. Now that your institution is planning to designate a hearing panel, it’s crucial to ensure all selected panelists are fully prepared to facilitate and lead hearings. This training will ensure that your campus is in compliance with the new Title IX law and that parties are receiving a fair and equitable resolution process.

Join us for this practical and hands-on workshop, where you will participate in a mock-hearing and learn strategies to conduct an effective and unbiased hearing. With the help of our expert speaker, Jill Thomas, you will delve deeper into how to:

  • Choose the ideal panelist or panel members
  • Gather a pool of advisors
  • Differentiate between hearing panel structures and understand the critical components to implement in all panels
  • Prepare for a hearing by developing questioning strategies
  • Manage the art of facilitating cross-examinations between parties/advisors
  • Comb through and organize facts, statements, and evidence in order to determine whether the standard of proof was met
  • Practice the learned skills in a mock hearing
  • Organize a post-hearing meeting that enables competent and informed deliberation
  • Learn how to impartially weigh the credibility of parties/witnesses
  • Components of the panelist(s)’ decision

This training is suitable for institutions who are just launching their new hearing panels, and for those who have utilized hearing panels in the past but would like a refresher or an opportunity to acquire new skills or strategies.


Who Should Attend

This course was carefully designed to train those who must utilize hearing panels on their campus for their sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination cases. Professionals who serve as hearing panelists/chairs and Title IX Coordinators who participate in the campus hearing would benefit from this conference. Additionally, Student Conduct Officers, Student Affairs Leadership, and General Counsels may also benefit from this conference.


Training Materials for Title IX Personnel

The new Title IX Rule provides instruction for institutions’ use and posting of training materials for Title IX personnel. Pursuant to the rule, Academic Impressions and the speakers for all Title IX trainings will be providing clearly labeled public-facing materials that can be used for the purposes of fulfilling the mandated posting guidelines. Some materials, including the recording of the webcast or handouts (excluding PDFs of the presentation slides), are protected by copyright and are not meant to be public-facing.


Limited Attendance

In order to ensure a high-quality learning experience, we have intentionally designed this Virtual Conference to have a limited number of total attendees. To ensure access from both paying participants and also from those who have an All-Inclusive membership, when the membership cap is reached, only paying participants can register after that point (while spaces are still available). If you have questions about whether this program is right for you, please contact us.


Early Bird Pricing Expires in:


As the coronavirus pandemic unfolds nationally, it is so important to keep connecting and networking with your peers - at a “social distance” - and to keep learning and developing as higher-ed leaders and professionals. Don’t let social distancing and quarantines prevent you from setting aside time for professional development. Everything is changing so fast; more than ever, we need to be pooling our resources and knowledge and finding the best ways to develop our capacity, connect and share with each other, and move forward during a challenging time.

*A limited number of FREE member spots are open for each virtual conference. Sign up today.

The Academic Impressions Virtual Conference Experience

Our virtual conferences go far beyond just replicating PowerPoint presentations online: these new programs are intentionally designed to give you the kind of robust and dynamic learning experience you’ve come to expect from Academic Impressions. As higher education strives to adapt rapidly to the shifting crisis, connecting with your peers who are experiencing similar challenges can be the best use of your professional development time.

What you will get:

  • A dynamic, interactive, and high-touch virtual learning experience designed to engage and set you up for growth
  • Seamless online face-time, networking, group work, and Q&A opportunities from the comfort of your own workspace
  • Practical takeaways and hands-on knowledge
  • Unlimited access to all recorded online sessions
  • Access to an online conference hub — one-stop shop for presentation materials, attendee introductions, worksheets, supplemental reading, videos, and other resources

See What Our Attendees are Saying

"At first, I was skeptical that a virtual conference was capable of being both engaging and informational - but Academic Impressions has mastered it! The 3-day online event was structured in a creative way that all participants had multiple opportunities to interact with each other and the presenters. No one's questions went unheard or unanswered. Thank you for this great experience, it has changed my view of virtual conferences and I look forward to attending more in the future."

- Desiree Ford, Digital Communications Manager, Binghamton University

“The virtual conference has been amazing. The presenters have all been great and the information they’ve provided is going to help us better use our social media. Even though this conference had to be virtualized due to COVID-19, the online format has been set up in a way that we can all collaborate and share ideas. I’m very eager to take what I’ve learned back to campus and start implementing new ideas.”

- Chris Forde, Coordinator of Marketing & Public Information, Lincoln Trail College




Tech Check
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.



Welcome and Introductions
12:00 – 12:15 p.m.



Hearing Panel Models & New Law Requirements
12:15 – 12:45 p.m.
You will differentiate and discuss hearing panel structures to understand the most critical components of an effective, unbiased hearing panel and a pool of advisors that are now required under Title IX. By analyzing requirements under federal law, you will become familiar with the foundational components of all hearing panels including understanding how to implement your institution’s policies and procedures, due process foundations, and hearing panel expectations.



Preparing for a Hearing
12:45 – 1:15 p.m.
Our instructor will walk through the critical steps to prepare for a hearing, in context of the lifecycle of case. We will address:

  • The purpose of a hearing
  • Understanding the standard of evidence to determine findings
  • How to develop critical investigation questions for the hearing
  • Attendees will learn how to interpret and analyze their own campus policies with an exercise to practice developing critical questions for a hearing.



30-Min Break
1:15 – 1:45 p.m.



Hearing Panel Roles and Cross-Examination
1:45 – 2:15 p.m.
You will understand the role of the advisor and the value of cross-examination that is now required under the new law. We will use this time to understand best practices for facilitating cross-examination, managing advisors, and developing a strategy so that your hearing panelists are prepared to manage a hearing effectively.



Activity: Preparing for a Mock Hearing
2:15 – 2:45 p.m.
We will use this time to prepare for tomorrow’s mock hearing using a case study. Volunteers will be asked to serve in the advisor roles and hearing panelist roles so that we can facilitate the mock hearing with the tools provided at the virtual conference.



Q&A and Virtual Networking Reception
2:45 – 3:30 p.m.




Tech Check
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.



Refresh & Reset
12:00 – 12:15 p.m.



Mock Hearing & Debrief
12:15 – 1:00 p.m.
Through a mock hearing, you will have an opportunity to practice the steps of a hearing and visualize how a hearing might be facilitated online. You will learn effective communication skills, such as active listening and effective questioning, while also responding to challenges that may present themselves during the hearing.



15-Min Break
1:00 – 1:15 p.m.



Deliberation and Credibility Assessment
1:15 – 1:45 p.m.
You will observe a mock deliberation meeting following the mock hearing to understand how a deliberative meeting should be facilitated. Pitfalls to avoid and tips for a successful deliberative meeting will be discussed. Our expert speaker will also provide tools and resources for an effective credibility assessment based on the facts presented at the mock hearing.



30-Minute Break
1:45 – 2:15 p.m.



Applying Credibility Assessment Tools in Rationale
2:15 – 2:45 p.m.
Learn how to organize and articulate a clear, concise fact pattern when beginning the process to write their finding of responsibility or non-responsibility. Credibility assessment tools will be applied during this session using the case study introduced on day one. Tips and guidance around what to include and not include in the rationale section of the decision will also be discussed. You will gain valuable insights on how to present a reasonable decision/outcome based on the information/evidence gathered during a mock hearing.



Decision Letters
2:45 – 3:15 p.m.
A review of how decisions must be delivered to both parties and information that must be included in the decision will be reviewed, for respondents who are found responsible for violating policy. Our expert speaker will close the conference by offering items to consider when institutions are looking to develop a new hearing panel structure.



Final Questions and Wrap-Up
3:15 – 3:30 p.m.


Jill Thomas

Jill Thomas


Jill Thomas is currently a national educator and consultant specifically for Title IX in Higher Education. She was formerly the Title IX Coordinator and Director of Equity Investigations at Stanford University. In that role, she oversaw the investigations and three-person panel hearings.

Read Speakers's Full Bio.

Can't attend the virtual conference? Buy the binder

  • All presentation resources

  • $295


Questions About the Event?


Rabia Khan Harvey
Senior Program Manager, Academic Impressions

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*There are limited spots available for All-Inclusive Members to register for Virtual Conferences for free in 2020. Each virtual conference has a registration cap in order to ensure a high-quality learning experience, personalized attention, networking and interactivity. If the cap has been met, All-Inclusive Members can register with a $250 discount if space is available.

Please note the member discount is not applicable on conference binders or success coaching.