Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Strategies for Increasing Resilience and Grit in Research Faculty

Strategies for Increasing Resilience and Grit in Research Faculty

December 4, 2017
1:00 - 1:45 p.m. EST

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Improve your research and scholarship productivity using proven techniques.

Have you ever gotten advice on how to increase your scholarship productivity but struggled to put the suggested techniques into practice? Join faculty development expert, Dr. Michael Wiederman, online to learn how you can make more regular progress in your research. More than just a buffet of techniques, this training will help you build the resilience and grit you need to overcome key productivity roadblocks whether you are researching alone or collaborating with a colleague.

Who Should Attend

This online training will appeal to faculty development staff, department chairs, deans, faculty members, as well as staff of centers for excellence in teaching and learning.


Solutions to interpersonal challenges

This section will help you overcome struggles in how you work with others as part of your research and scholarship. We’ll help you address common issues, such as isolation and managing others, by introducing ideas such as:

  • Using social media more effectively
  • Offering value to others in order to increase your own productivity
  • Communicating more intentionally

Solutions to intrapersonal challenges

This section will help you overcome internal struggles around research and scholarship. We’ll help you address common issues, such as maintaining balance, being creative, and coping with rejection, through strategies such as:

  • Developing a growth mindset
  • Clarifying your values
  • Using cognitive reframing



Dr. Michael Wiederman

Director of Faculty Development
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville

After nearly 20 years as a clinical psychology professor, Michael began his current journey in the professional development world by becoming the inaugural Director of Faculty Development at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville. There he works with individuals and groups to facilitate professional and personal growth. Of special interest are resilience, burnout prevention and remediation, team functioning, leadership development, and conscious professionalism.

Dr. Wiederman has published more than 250 articles and book chapters on a wide range of topics, including gender, sexuality, personality, body image, and disordered eating. He authored Understanding Sexuality Research, co-authored The Complete Guide to Graduate School Admission: Psychology, Counseling, and Related Fields (2nd ed.), and co-edited the Handbook for Conducting Research on Human Sexuality. His most recent books are Study Less, Learn More: The Complete Guide for Busy Students and Transcending the Personality Disordered Parent: Psychological and Spiritual Tactics, co-authored with Randy Sansone, MD.

Questions About the Event?

Sarah Seigle Peatman
Program Manager, Academic Impressions

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