Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need


Advertising & Sponsorship

Build awareness of your organization with us! Each year, we reach thousands of college and university leaders through training, publications, and our job site, HireEd Careers. We offer several advertising & sponsorship opportunities to engage with our audience, many of whom are leaders on their campuses with budgetary and positional authority:

    • Advertise in Higher Ed Impact: Advertise your brand, institution, program, product, or service in our daily newsletter and reach an audience of over 60K.


    • Post a job in HireEd Careers: Purchase a single posting or an annual subscription to reach a diverse array of bright, growth-minded leaders who are invested in their own career development and professional growth.


  • Be a sponsor at an event: Join a speaker panel at one of our virtual conferences or partner with us to craft a customized free webinar.

Please fill out the form and download the Advertising & Sponsorship Informational Brochure to learn more.


Contact us to learn more:


Ashvina Patel

Manager of Research & Publications

Please fill out the form below and download the Advertising & Sponsorship Informational Brochure to learn more.