Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Senior Leadership Transitions: A Coaching Package

Senior Leadership Transitions


Unlock personalized support for your transition into your next senior leadership position.


In today’s world of higher education, senior leaders starting a new position need to quickly get the ball rolling and progress through often-competing tensions, including:

  • Assessing their new situation with speed and precision, while also taking the time to learn about the organization’s culture, history, and context
  • Fostering strong relationships across multiple diverse stakeholders, while also building trust where trust is low or has been broken
  • Assessing competing priorities and responding to acute inherited challenges that require quick and decisive action
  • Negotiating both the knowns and the unknowns as they lay the foundations for their work

In this environment, it has become increasingly critical for senior leaders to craft a plan before beginning their new positions in order to hit the ground running with swift and courageous action.

Join a pair of expert consultant coaches to engage in a series of 10 one-hour sessions, scheduled monthly based on your personal availability. This coaching solution is an opportunity for you to meet with experienced coaches two-on-one to discuss common issues unique to senior leadership within higher education. Each meeting’s agenda will be flexible and driven by the needs of the individual.

Our consultants draw from their extensive and wide-reaching careers in higher ed to bring experiences that range from longtime services as a chair, vice president, dean, provost, and president. You will have access to a breadth of insights from the vantage of many, if not all, of the constituents with whom you interact, including the role in which you serve.


Who Will Benefit

This personal coaching series will benefit senior leaders from public and private institutions including regional comprehensives, liberal arts colleges, and all Carnegie levels through R2. Leaders from community colleges are also welcome.

Senior leadership is considered to start at the Dean/Director level.


During this engagement, you will get to drive the agenda and get personalized support from the coaches. Topics covered can include the following:  

Power Dynamics
  • In-depth understanding of your power dynamics
  • Being attuned and attentive to hierarchies and politics as quickly as possible, including campus climate, gossip, campus lore, and misinformation
  • Analyzing the campus’ political landscape, climate, and culture, and how you can utilize the culture to accomplish your goals
  • Equity and inclusion, and power dynamics that may be operating for you both nominally and informally



Relationship Building
  • Sharpening your insight on how to build productive relationships across groups to accomplish your goals
  • The challenges of gathering information while simultaneously understanding each person’s agenda beyond what is being overtly presented
  • Methods to determine who you can trust, and what you can trust from them
  • Building relationships within shared governance


Team Building
  • Evaluating and developing talent while building a productive team in a people-intensive organization
  • Building a team, assessing talent, distinguishing skills and competencies present and needed, and matching talent to committees
  • Tackling personnel issues, managing team members who are not performing, and thinking about bringing in “your own people” to your team



Shared Governance Essentials
  • Effectively operating within a shared governance environment
  • Gaining clarity on what shared governance is and isn’t, ways it applies to different roles, and how it plays out in the productive functioning of the institution or unit
  • The centrality of data-supported decision making, including budget and resource allocation, assessment and accreditation, and shared governance intersecting purviews



Operating Essentials
  • Reviewing policies and practices to determine which help or hinder attaining your goal and which might need to be revised
  • Communication strategies and processes
  • Thinking about your legacy, including the legacy you hope to build for your new position, what you will do to create it, and how to ultimately focus on the long-term health of the institution or unit



Portrait of Maria Thompson

Maria Thompson, Ph.D.

President and CEO, Retired, Coppin State University

Maria is a career educator whose work experience spans a variety of institutional categories, including research universities, comprehensive universities, land-grant universities, urban located, rural located, HBCUs, and PWIs. She was president and CEO of Coppin State University (CSU), provost and vice president for academic affairs at the State University of New York (SUNY), and vice president for research and sponsored programs at Tennessee State University.

Read Maria's Full Bio.

Portrait of Susan Turell

Susan C. Turell, Ph.D.

Former Provost, Marywood University

In higher education for 29 years, Susan brings a passion to her work for supporting people and designing and implementing effective processes. She served in leadership as a department chair, associate provost, dean, and provost. She brings those experiences, as well as her training and practice as a psychologist, to synthesize best practices and approaches in a new paradigm about what it means to be an effective leader in 21st century higher education.

Read Susan's Full Bio.




for 10 sessions

Questions About the Event?

Portrait of Amit Mrig

Amit Mrig
President, Academic Impressions

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