Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Fundraising for Deans (Conference + eBook)

After participating in this conference, you will be more equipped to raise money for your school, college, or department.

For every two people you register from your institution, receive a third registration at 50% off.

Books are shipped within 7 days of receipt of payment. For immediate receipt of book, order PDF copy.


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Fundraising has increasingly become a required component of every dean’s responsibilities. This day and a half conference will equip academic leaders with the skills necessary to most effectively fundraise. During this conference, deans will:

  • Gain an understanding of the current fundraising environment
  • Examine three building blocks for developing a philanthropic culture on campus
  • Outline specific priorities to share with development officers and faculty
  • Get tips for better informing advancement about interactions with alumni
  • Troubleshoot advisory board challenges to make those interactions more effective

Past participants have consistently said that our expert presenters, Jim Langley and Chet Gillis, provide practical advice for tackling the unique fundraising challenges facing deans. Academic deans will leave this conference better prepared to raise funds for their school, college, or department.

Who Should Attend

Academic leaders will leave this event with a framework to more effectively fundraise. This training will be especially beneficial to:

  • New deans who are looking to develop their fundraising knowledge and skills
  • Experienced deans who have had limited exposure to fundraising
  • Deans who have a donor in mind, but aren’t sure how best to approach the cultivation and solicitation process
  • Deans looking to improve their relationships and partnerships with university advancement
  • Chairs or associate deans who are looking to become a dean

You will also get a copy of the ebook/PDF Fundraising for Deans. It will be available for download upon purchase under  Downloads section of My Account

Bring Your Team – Register 2, Get the 3rd 50% off!

Do you know of several academic leaders who will find this event helpful? Sending a team of people together can strengthen your overall fundraising efforts. When you register two attendees, the third is 50% off.