How to Influence Without Shaming as a Leader
Last updated May 9, 2022Course Length
1h 22m
Last Updated
May 9, 2022

How to Influence Without Shaming as a Leader
Last updated May 9, 2022Table of Contents
Decisively disrupt and circumvent harmful behaviors to create a sense of belonging and inclusivity in your workplace.
It’s an unfortunate fact that harmful and biased statements occur in the workplace—and it’s all too common for leaders to respond to these scenarios in ways that shame the individuals who perpetrated that behavior. Yet, while it is important to address these situations swiftly when they occur, it is even more beneficial to repair harm in the moment without shaming. Through proven experiential activities and small-group discussion, participants who are leading teams will better understand the impacts of harmful and biased statements even when unintended, and they will also develop strategies that can disrupt the harms and impacts of these types of behaviors when they occur. Participants will understand that remaining silent when harm occurs perpetuates inequity and hinders the ability to create inclusive and welcoming spaces for employment and learning. This training will therefore give participants the confidence to respond to these incidents in a way that creates a better sense of belonging, and with a climate that promotes, enhances, and fosters inclusivity within teams.
Who should attend?
This training is designed for leaders and supervisors who want to learn culturally responsive management practices to better lead diverse teams while creating higher performance.
June 23, 2022
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Eastern
Understanding the Harms of Shaming
When harmful and biased statements occur in the workplace, shaming may be a natural response. Here, our experts will discuss what shaming looks like—and why this response is problematic.
Identifying Biased Behavior and Addressing It Without Shaming
Biased statements and situations perpetuate inequity not only when they occur, but also when their bias goes unaddressed. Participants will learn how to identify biased behavior, practice how to repair harm in the moment without shaming, and consider ways to recover from being shamed if it does occur.
Creating a Greater Sense of Belonging
Here, our experts will share ways in which consistent responses to harmful and biased behavior can be a catalyst for leaders to engage using alternative strategies, instead. Leaders and supervisors will also learn to appreciate how these behaviors promote a sense of belonging and an inclusive workplace climate overall.
Make the Most of This Series
During this live event, we will touch upon content from the live training Essential Practices for Leaders Communicating Across Difference on June 16. Although it is not necessary to register for that virtual training to attend this one, we strongly recommend that you do so in order to make the most of the experience.
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