Effective Leadership: An Introduction to Key Academic Leadership Skills & Competencies for Faculty
Last updated January 18, 2022Course Length
2h 23m
Last Updated
January 18, 2022

Effective Leadership: An Introduction to Key Academic Leadership Skills & Competencies for Faculty
Last updated January 18, 2022Table of Contents
Gain key leadership skills to help you navigate everyday faculty life or prepare for a future academic leadership role.
Many faculty are seeking ways to prepare for leadership positions in a time-effective manner, and to learn leadership skills and concepts that can be useful in their everyday faculty lives. This training has been designed for faculty who wish to prepare for academic leadership positions in the future, or who simply desire the skills to better navigate the formal and informal roles that go along with teaching, research, and service.
In this training, you will be introduced to a practical framework that provides a basis for understanding the skills and concepts necessary for a leadership role. We will focus on the following three domains of competency:
- Developing Organizational Awareness: Leaders must develop an understanding of the environment in which they operate, including the various power structures at play and how decisions get made.
- Managing Others: Providing effective oversight while developing other faculty and staff is crucial to ensuring performance, productivity, and professional behavior.
- Influencing & Leading Change: Leading change and learning how to influence others are essential skills for leadership success in today’s environment.
You will leave with a greater understanding of these topics along with 2-3 skills or concepts you can implement right away around each one.
Who should attend?
This training is primarily designed for junior and mid-career faculty who wish to learn practical leadership skills they can either (a) implement in their everyday lives as faculty and informal leaders, (b) implement in any current part-time administrative roles they may hold, or (c) use to prepare for formal academic leadership positions.
12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern
You will use an assessment tool to better understand the formal and informal power structures at play and how decisions get made across your university. This will help to set the context for the rest of the training.
In this section, we will explore what effective oversight of faculty and staff looks like. We’ll discuss skills related to managing performance, encouraging productivity, and ensuring professional conduct in academic teams.
Given the weak hierarchical structure of academic environments, change management relies heavily on persuading and convincing others. We will therefore discuss how to effectively lead change management conversations and explore models for influencing individuals and groups.
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Stefan Niewiesk, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECLAM
Professor, Department of Veterinary Biosciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University