Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Case Management 2.0: Considerations for Enhancing the Impact of Your Mental Health Case Manager

Last updated December 3, 2018

Course Length


Last Updated

December 3, 2018

Case Management 2.0: Considerations for Enhancing the Impact of Your Mental Health Case Manager

Last updated December 3, 2018


Designed for institutions who already have an established, full-time Case Manager, this webcast will present the considerations you need in order to refine and improve the focus and services of your current case management model. Our facilitator will help you answer the following questions:

  • What’s the scope of our current case manager’s role, and how do we assess whether we need to refine or expand the scope or size of our current model?
  • What are best practices and strategies for enhancing the role’s reach and impact?
  • How can we increase the visibility of these resources for both students and faculty/staff on campus?

Join us for this online training and learn how to apply new strategic direction to the role of Case Manager to better meet the needs of your students.

Who should attend?

This online training is designed for institutions who are interested in redeveloping or redefining the role of their case manager for students with mental health concerns. Those who are non-clinical case managers, deans of students, behavior intervention team members, vice president/leadership of student affairs, residence life teams, or campus social workers will benefit from this content.


Focus & Enhance Your Case Manager Role:

  • Context and Evolution of the Case Manager
  • Re(defining) the Case Manager Program
  • Assessment & Program Review
  • Student Trends
  • Spreading the Word about the Case Manager