Learn how you can use data to effectively measure and improve your planned giving program. You will learn how to: Determine the right metrics for your shop Collect and track key pieces of planned giving data Communicate your program’s value internally and externally Our expert instructor has experience at both small and large institutions and […]
Learn the core tenets of a sound gift acceptance policy that will help to protect the integrity of your institution. You will gain insights into how you can best work with a gift acceptance committee and train frontline fundraisers on the intricacies of your guidelines as they relate to: Real property Matching gifts Split-interest gifts […]
Learn proven approaches for supporting adjunct faculty. From orientation to retention, you will gain practical ideas for improving your institution’s relationship with its adjunct faculty members. You will learn practical ideas for: Onboarding and professional development Classroom evaluations and performance reviews Retaining your best adjunct faculty “After attending this webcast, I feel like we have many […]
Learn how to strategically implement game-based design principles that can help you better engage students in a more interactive approach to education. Using gamification in your courses does not have to be difficult nor does it have to be comprehensive. We will discuss a range of different approaches that you can implement immediately to help make […]
Gain nine formative online assessment strategies to improve student learning outcomes. This example-packed training provides a guide for each assessment technique, allowing you to practically apply these techniques in your online courses to improve student feedback and more effectively address student challenges. Who Should Attend Faculty developers, instructional designers, and online program directors will leave […]
Learn how to develop a comprehensive direct mail strategy for your athletic program. If your institution is looking to grow its athletic fundraising efforts, a coordinated direct mail strategy is a cost-effective first step toward building a donor pipeline and growing fundraising capacity. You will gain insights on scheduling sends, creating compelling messaging, and coordinating […]
Addressing issues of civility among faculty can be a thorny issue when you consider the scope of free speech, academic freedom, and how social media blurs the lines between the personal and professional context. Join us online for an in-depth examination of this increasingly important issue, including practical steps academic leaders can take to improve […]
Learn practical strategies to help you successfully gain faculty buy-in for student success initiatives and programs. Collaborating across campus to achieve student success requires diligent work, planning, and intentional tactics on the part of student services staff. Not every outreach to faculty is successful, but this webcast will help you put your best foot forward. […]
Learn how to identify specific resiliency challenges and offer practical solutions for students. Whether identifying campus resources or coaching students directly, you will leave this training better able to promote performance and persistence. Gain a number of effective interventions that you can start using immediately both in person and online to help students: Build self-efficacy […]
Gain a better understanding of what data and reports you need to ensure that your donor relations efforts are targeted and successful. You will learn about the essential reports that every donor relations professional should have access to and understand fluently. You will also gain insight into how to leverage those reports to enhance your […]