Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need

Customizing Donor Communication through Smarter Segmentation

In order to appeal to alumni and donors, you need to rethink the typical segments of age, class year, academic major, or giving status. For example, class year may not define individuals’ motivations for engagement and/or giving nearly as well as their interests or career paths. But, identifying who appreciates fine art versus who appreciates […]

Increasing Emotional Intelligence by Identifying Your Triggers

When we can overcome our emotional triggers, we are able to navigate a variety of situations more effectively. But when experiencing a trigger, our emotions take over. Many of us struggle to recognize and explain our reactions. How can we take a step back to respond in the moment more thoughtfully and productively? Join us […]

Using Video Effectively in Recruitment Marketing

Video is an essential recruitment marketing tool in higher education. However, with video now embedded into social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram (as well as conventional options like YouTube), you may struggle in deciding which channels you should use to reach prospective students – and how you should use them. Join us for a […]

Leading with Social-First: An Innovative Approach to Content Creation

Re-think your content strategy for the digital generation. Join us for a webcast highlighting a successful model that “flips the script” and puts social media at the forefront of content marketing. Tony Dobies from West Virginia University will discuss: The challenges WVU previously faced How they initiated conversations about taking a more audience-centric and social-first […]

How to Develop Programming that Re-Engages Underrepresented Alumni

Created in 2006, Cornell Mosaic is the lead advisory organization of Cornell’s diverse alumni communities. Cornell Mosaic collaborates with and serves several identity-based alumni communities under one centralized umbrella, and it’s continuing to build upon already-strong participation rates. In 2017, an exclusive evening with Cornell faculty and alumni experts at the National Museum of African […]

Focus on Student Belonging to Boost Student Retention and Success

Get a survey template to help you measure student belonging and design helpful interventions. You know that a sense of belonging is an important factor for student success and retention. But it is also difficult to measure. Because this conversation is so new, there are few models to follow. How do you start gathering data […]

Managing Difficult Colleagues

Difficult colleagues come in many forms: A colleague who hijacks a meeting by dominating the conversation A leader who is overly critical of others’ ideas A project team member who leaves the work for you or takes credit for your work Confronting these difficult colleagues can feel overwhelming. How will they react? Will they hold […]

Reengage Your Black Alumni

[wcm_nonmember plans=”Advancement Pro, Academic Affairs Pro, Business Office Pro, Student Affairs Pro, Leadership Pro, Enrollment Management Pro, All-Inclusive”][/wcm_nonmember]

What’s included:

Live Webcast: December 13, 2019 | 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Webcast Recording: Available 10 business days after the Live Webcast

Scaling Experiential Learning Across Campus

[wcm_nonmember plans=”Advancement Pro, Academic Affairs Pro, Business Office Pro, Student Affairs Pro, Leadership Pro, Enrollment Management Pro, All-Inclusive”][/wcm_nonmember]

What’s included:

Live Webcast: December 12, 2019 | 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Eastern
Webcast Recording: Available 10 business days after the Live Webcast