Inspire Timely Giving: Create Urgency and Accelerate Results

Learn new ways to inspire donors and encourage timely giving. Overview Have you or another development officer had a donor who is interested in a gift, but you can’t seem to move it forward? Donor engagement and gift conversations can often get stuck and lose momentum without timing that encourages donors to give. But if we are prepared to listen […]

Creating an Engagement Plan for Volunteers in Women’s Philanthropy

Align the interests and capacities of your volunteers with your women’s philanthropy goals. Overview Effectively engaging your women volunteers can lead to greater giving and larger networks of women who want to share their time with your institution. However, without a formal engagement plan in place outlining how the interests and skill sets of your volunteers can be best aligned with your institution’s goals, the quality of their commitments can become a barrier to deeper and long-term relationships.   Join us in this […]

Conflict Management: A Practical Workshop for Leaders

Learn practical tools to gain confidence in resolving conflicts in the earliest stages. Overview In this workshop, you will learn strategies to help you manage and resolve various conflicts within your department and institution. You will be introduced to practical tools that address conflict in its earliest stages before it becomes a formal dispute. There […]

Actualize Your Purpose and Legacy: Workshop on Improving Your Well-Being

Get clear on what success looks like for you. Overview The pandemic has required all of us to pivot in new ways. We’ve taken on additional responsibilities that may not align with our strengths and interests. We’ve managed our relationships almost exclusively through virtual means Our success is often measured in immediate gains, and it’s […]

Planning Your Hybrid Homecoming

Walk away with strategies to help your hybrid homecoming make a big impact. Overview Homecoming is every institution’s largest event bringing together current students, alumni, and donors. Last year, many institutions canceled or postponed homecoming due to COVID-19. This year, many institutions are not only planning on having them, but for the first time, they will be hybrid. Join us online to learn, […]

Improving Promotion and Tenure Reviews by Using a Deliberative Decision-Making Model

Break the cycle of inconsistent promotion and tenure reviews by implementing an objective decision-making process. Overview By participating in promotion and tenure reviews, faculty make the most consequential decisions they will ever have to engage in on behalf of their colleagues. Without adequate training and preparation, departments often have a reputation of unfair decisions, power […]

Growing Women’s Engagement and Philanthropic Interest

Integrate women-focused strategies into your fundraising efforts. Overview Over 100 researched data points show gender matters in giving; a key one is that women are now influencing or making over 75% of all household charitable decisions. With women’s education, leadership, and wealth rising, it is natural that they are more actively engaged in philanthropy too. Are you preparing for this […]

Leading from a First-generation or Immigrant Background in Higher Ed: A Discussion Forum

Explore how your identity as an immigrant or first-generation American has shaped your own experience and perceptions of self as a leader. Overview All too often, first-generation and immigrant leaders in higher education feel they must assimilate to “standard” forms of leadership, which are historically grounded in white, heteronormative, male-centric experiences and stereotypes. But leading […]