Design Faculty of Color Affinity Spaces to Improve Retention

Building affinity spaces for your faculty of color is one way you can improve retention efforts. These spaces not only connect underrepresented faculty to each other, they increase faculty productivity and institutional loyalty. However, it’s not enough to simply offer these affinity spaces – you must also organize them with clear structure and intention, so […]

Develop a Race-Based Education Program for Your White Students

Despite being outnumbered at predominantly white institutions (PWIs), students, staff, and faculty of color feel burdened by the responsibility of having to educate their white peers regarding racism and racial justice. When conversations about racial injustice arise at PWIs, cultural centers, ethnic studies departments, and student ethnic identity groups are often tasked with offering solutions […]

Designing Creative Solutions for Your Toughest Challenges

In the current landscape of higher education, there are complex challenges that need to be solved – whether it be curriculum revisions, overcoming the enrollment cliff, or finding new ways of fundraising. In order to respond successfully to these challenges, you will need to dream what has not yet been imagined. However, this cannot be […]

Cultivating Creativity by Building Trust Within Your Team

Innovation and creativity are what higher ed needs right now to push past the challenges of 2020. Creativity requires your team to share ideas, challenge each other’s ideas, admit mistakes, and move past them. It requires risk-taking and an entrepreneurial spirit to try new things. To support a culture of creativity, you, as their leader, […]

Navigating Your Relationship With Your Dean: A Training for Department Chairs

As a Department Chair, one of the most important relationships you have to forge is the one with your Dean. Ideally, this relationship is built on mutual trust, healthy communication, and a shared understanding of what the department—and by extension, the College—is trying to achieve. But such a relationship takes work, and the onus is […]

Implementing Shared Services at Your Institution

As higher education faces tighter budgets and declining enrollments, many institutions are exploring a shared services model to lower costs, make services more efficient, and reduce redundancies across campus. By making operations like finance, HR, IT, and pre- and post-award services leaner, institutions can free up resources and invest in what will distinguish their institution—academic […]

Building a Culture of Inclusion in Your Advancement Shop

We know that many advancement shops are looking to better engage underrepresented alumni populations, but it can be difficult to know what initial steps you should take toward incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts into your strategy. Join us to learn the best approaches to collecting qualitative information and measuring quantitative data from your alumni […]

Mastering Time Management: An 8-Day Practical Program

Why You Need This Resource Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat […]