Identifying and Communicating the ROI of External Partnerships

Learn how to better articulate the value and ROI of external partnerships. Overview External partners like local businesses or corporate sponsors can make a significant impact on your college or department’s financial management strategy and long-term sustainability. Partnerships can help you to create new revenue streams, promote cost savings, and/or provide resources and unique experiences […]

Strategic Stewardship to Improve Donor Retention

Meaningfully connect with key donor populations to improve donor retention efforts. Overview In light of an industry-wide decline in both overall giving as well as in changing donor expectations, it is more important than ever that advancement shops of all sizes take a strategic donor stewardship approach. Employing tactics like segmentation and personalized recognition and […]

Use Indigenous Storytelling Techniques to Help Facilitate Conversations on Racial Equity

Encourage racial equity and inclusion conversations using indigenous storytelling techniques. Overview In traditional indigenous storytelling, it is common for a group of people to come together, sit in a circle, and share personal stories around a specific theme or topic. These story circles serve to build community and celebrate culture through information transmission. They also […]

Anticipating and Overcoming Objections in Frontline Fundraising

Learn to confidently respond to donor objections by anticipating and meaningfully acknowledging their concerns.  Overview The fear of objections in frontline fundraising can get in the way of productive conversations with prospects. However, objections can be the first step to receiving a donor gift if we are prepared to listen closely and share a response that encourages new discussion and conversation.   Join us […]

The Ins and Outs of Publishing Your Scholarly Work: A training for Faculty Researchers

Learn how to successfully publish your scholarly work to tee up your research career. Overview The reasons to publish your scholarly work range from practical to noble. Whether it be to advance your career, position yourself to receive extramural funding, advance your field, or achieve status and recognition, publishing makes you an important player in […]

Improving Campus Collaboration for Effective Parent and Family Giving

Meaningfully engage parents and families through intentional collaboration with campus partners. Overview From the moment a student signs their letter of intent to the day they graduate, parents of undergraduate students typically have a 4-year window to give to your institution. Your development strategy for parent and family giving needs to be strong and should […]