Three Essential Behaviors of a Servant Leader

As a result of COVID-19 and the racial injustices that have permeated 2020, it’s more important than ever to lead with humanity and create a work environment where people feel recognized and heard.  Current challenges require leaders to be visionary, but they must also be humble and know how to bring out the best in others. The servant leadership […]

Supporting Frontline Fundraisers Amidst Uncertainty: Rethinking Activities and Goals

Amidst uncertainty, donor giving is likely to decrease. To keep your fundraisers motivated and ensure the long-term sustainability of your shop, you may need to shift the focus to identifying new prospects and keeping in touch with donors so that relationships are strong when the time is once again right for giving. Join us for […]

Developing Effective Caller-Donor Relationships in Your Phonathon Operation

With the recent increase in contact rates—due to people being at home more than ever—coupled with modern technology that increases the ability to engage donors, phonathons are poised to see an unexpected resurgence this year as an effective communication and solicitation channel. As a result, now is the appropriate time to revisit how you can […]

An Intersectional Approach to Addressing Food Insecurity

We know that students with marginalized identities are more likely to experience food insecurity. Now data shows the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the health and financial wellbeing of People of Color, including those from Black and Indigenous communities. These disparities, in conjunction with recent incidents of racial injustice, prompted the University of Oregon to […]