Building Stronger Teams with Empathy and Humility

Use empathy and humility as a leader to build and strengthen your own team culture. Overview The Covid-19 pandemic laid bare issues with retention, psychological safety, and a sense of belonging that leaders in higher education must face on their own teams. Faculty and staff thrive on strong teams with a positive, productive culture, and […]

Success Coaching Add On Test

Pullquote Overview Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur […]

Increasing Student Retention and Completion Rates through Proactive Advising

Implement proactive advising to increase student retention. Overview Many institutions are already using proactive advising to help students in danger of failing or dropping out. But are you effectively communicating with both staff and academically at-risk students to maximize your impact? Proactive advising techniques can help you to increase student retention and completion rates through […]

Strategies to Confidently Communicate with Students Experiencing Mental Health Challenges

Learn best practices for more effective interactions with students experiencing mental health issues, even if you’re not a counselor.  Overview As students, faculty, and staff return to campus life, the impromptu conversations that characterize in-person interactions are naturally more likely to resume. Data shows that the rate of students reporting a sense of disconnection from […]

Retain Frontline Fundraisers by Fostering Inclusive Practices

Engage more meaningfully with prospects and donors in conversations that foster inclusion. Overview When prospect and donor values around diversity, equity, and inclusion do not align with your institutional values, tension can develop in the relationship, leading to difficult conversations that can have a negative impact on frontline fundraising goals. Knowing how to effectively communicate […]

Forging On and Off Campus Partnerships to Support Students’ Emergency Needs

Build partnerships on and off campus to support traditionally underserved students. Overview Students of color, first-generation students, and low-income students are typically the most at risk of falling through the cracks in college. In addition to academic barriers, these students often lack financial resources to make it through emergencies or breaks in the academic year. […]

Enhance Donor Experience by Conducting an Acknowledgement Audit

Conduct a successful donor acknowledgement audit at your institution to enhance donor recognition and engagement. Overview Institutions offer myriad giving opportunities that donors might choose to support. From the unrestricted gift to the gift supporting a scholarship or program, many institutions offer dozens or even hundreds of ways donors can allocate their gifts. Unfortunately, with […]

Building Confidence as a New Leader: Discussion on May 10

Connect with new leaders across higher education to overcome self-doubt. Overview The internal barriers new leaders face when starting a new role or project can hold them back from being successful. Negative self-talk, the inability to accept praise, and feedback that is based on your identity rather than your actions can all hinder your ability […]

Building Confidence as a New Leader: Discussion on April 25

Connect with new leaders across higher education to overcome self-doubt. Overview The internal barriers new leaders face when starting a new role or project can hold them back from being successful. Negative self-talk, the inability to accept praise, and feedback that is based on your identity rather than your actions can all hinder your ability […]

Partnering with Faculty in Grateful Patient Fundraising: Elements of a Training Guide

Engage grateful patients more effectively by deepening your relationships with medical faculty. Overview Faculty and development professionals must share a commitment to philanthropy in order for a grateful patient fundraising (GPFR) program to be successful. Building trust, respect, and rapport is best accomplished through a strategic process that involves educating and training medical faculty partners. […]