Navigating Your Path to Administration: A Panel Discussion for Aspiring Academic Administrators

Understand what fuels you—and then translate that into a traditional or non-traditional path to academic administration. Overview As the higher education landscape evolves, so too will its body of academic administrators. The administrative structure of most institutions has grown in complexity, resulting in more potential options for those interested in academic leadership to consider. However, […]

How to Influence Without Shaming as a Leader

Decisively disrupt and circumvent harmful behaviors to create a sense of belonging and inclusivity in your workplace. Overview It’s an unfortunate fact that harmful and biased statements occur in the workplace—and it’s all too common for leaders to respond to these scenarios in ways that shame the individuals who perpetrated that behavior. Yet, while it […]

Essential Practices for Leaders Communicating Across Difference

Learn culturally responsive communication skills to better lead diverse teams—and how to put them into practice. Overview Many leaders strive to create an inclusive environment for their employees, but this can be difficult to achieve without first taking time to understand how our own identity can impact our ability to engage in effective and supportive […]

Establishing a University Engagement Council to Coordinate Communication with Major Donors

Thoughtfully improve campus-wide communication efforts with major donors VIRTUAL TRAINING Overview Maximizing philanthropic opportunities is the underlying objective of every advancement shop. A fundamental part of ensuring this objective is achieved comes from broad engagement with major donors—which involves strategic communications and connections from various units and stakeholders on campus. To ensure that communication efforts […]

Strategies to Increase Donor Participation

Develop deep donor engagement that is participatory, purposeful, and recurring. Overview Donor participation has been decreasing over the previous two decades. Identifying a strategy that reverses this trend has been a challenge for many institutions. This problem is complicated and not easily defined; yet evidence points to root causes such as a decrease in trust […]

Using Empathy and Humility to Help Build Community

Use empathy and humility as a leader to build your team culture. Overview Teams often have members from many different backgrounds, and leaders with empathy and humility are better able to bridge cultural divides and create a shared sense of community. Join us for a 1-hour discussion to strategize how to develop that sense of […]

Using Empathy and Humility in Managing Difficult Faculty and Staff

Use empathy and humility as a leader to build your team culture. Overview Many leaders encounter team members with toxic or narcissistic traits, and those team members can wreck a team dynamic if left unchecked. Join us for a 1-hour discussion to strategize how to address difficult team members from a place of humility and […]

Using Empathy and Humility in Your Personal Leadership Journey

Use empathy and humility as a leader to build your team culture. Overview Leaders with empathy and humility have a better understanding of self and are able to cultivate those traits in others. Join us for a 1-hour discussion session where we will talk about how empathy and humility can help you be a confident […]