Integrating Guided Pathways and Learning Communities to Enhance Student Retention

Pullquote Overview Institutions offer myriad giving opportunities that donors might choose to support. From the unrestricted gift to the gift supporting a scholarship or program, many institutions offer dozens or even hundreds of ways donors can allocate their gifts. Unfortunately, with decentralized institutions, a multitude of giving options can lead to inconsistencies in the ways […]

Positioning Your Leadership Annual Giving Program for Continued Success

Confidently communicate the importance of leadership annual giving to internal constituents. Overview As you work to strengthen your leadership annual giving program, it is imperative to build internal partnerships that will support and complement your work. These sessions will therefore focus on building relationships with internal partners and enhancing connections between your leadership annual giving […]

Considering Communication and Stewardship in Leadership Annual Giving

Enhance your donor relationships with more impactful communication strategies. Overview Communicating the purpose of your leadership annual giving program should be a thoughtful and strategic process to build both donor loyalty as well as your donor pipeline. This session will help you to define specific communications and stewardship strategies for your leadership annual donors. Our expert instructor […]

Developing Essential Fundraising Skills for Leadership Annual Giving

Strengthen donor cultivation, solicitation, and communication, in order to achieve increased levels of leadership support. Overview To be an effective leadership annual giving officer, you must gain the skills for achieving and managing personal visits. First, you’ll learn how to set goals and metrics, then you’ll learn to identify the necessary legwork to cultivate donors […]

Identifying Your Leadership Annual Giving Goals and Pipeline

Learn strategies to build an optimal leadership giving program that enhances donor loyalty as well as your donor pipeline. Overview A leadership annual giving program will not succeed unless it is strategically aligned with your overall annual giving program. Having a clear vision and plan for optimizing your leadership giving program is essential, and this […]


Pullquote Overview Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur […]

Using Neuroscience to Engage Your Team Through Change: A Training for Supervisors

Is change fatigue or burnout causing you to find new ways to re-engage with your direct reports? Overview Currently within higher ed, we are experiencing significant, rapid and frequent changes. “Change” is no longer a temporary state of being — it’s become a continuous part of our everyday operations. It should be no surprise these […]

Create Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities for your Major Donors

Enhance donations by aligning the passions of your leadership volunteers with your institution’s key objectives. Overview Leadership volunteers can help to advance your institutional goals not only through their major gifts, but through their ambassadorship as advocates of the mission you convey, and by opening access to opportunities as well as leveraging expertise and input […]

Key Considerations for Strengthening Prospect Management and Gift Officer Collaboration

Improve your leadership of Advancement Operations staff to move toward portfolio optimization. Overview The relationship between prospect managers and gift officers is critical for portfolio optimization in advancement shops. It is the responsibility of advancement leaders to assess and strengthen collaboration between these roles in order to have a high-performance team that is able to […]