Developing a Comprehensive Retention Plan

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Setting and Maintaining Boundaries as Faculty to Develop Professional Well-being and Success

Boundary-setting is a key to productivity and well-being – join us to gain the tools to set boundaries and be more successful in your faculty role.   Overview In Academic Impressions’ 2021 survey of higher ed faculty, staff, and administrators to understand the current state of professional development, 51% of respondents reported experiencing clinical levels of […]

Improving Your Gift-In-Kind Evaluation Process

Assess gifts-in-kind to determine their viability and benefit to your institution. Overview Gifts-in-kind, or non-cash gifts, are unique. Most are appreciated assets that offer donors the ability to give an asset, receive a tax deduction for the value, and, depending on the donor, avoid capital gains tax. Yet, there are many gifts-in-kind that aren’t so […]

Time Management: A Disciplined Approach to Priority-Setting

Gain control of your schedule to focus on your most important work. Overview Is your endless to-do list keeping you from accomplishing what’s most important? We all have responsibilities and tasks competing for our attention, but all too often, our two or three most important efforts are reduced to just another item on the list. […]

Preparing Frontline Fundraisers to Support Academic Leaders for Campaign Success

Pullquote Overview Institutions offer myriad giving opportunities that donors might choose to support. From the unrestricted gift to the gift supporting a scholarship or program, many institutions offer dozens or even hundreds of ways donors can allocate their gifts. Unfortunately, with decentralized institutions, a multitude of giving options can lead to inconsistencies in the ways […]

Developing a Strategy for Equity-Based Fundraising

Improve your engagement and fundraising results by achieving and drawing from a more diverse alumni pool. Overview Unconscious resistance is the thing that continues to prevent shops from advancing and implementing a more equity-based fundraising strategy that engages the diversity of their alumni base. With the changing demographics in student bodies and young alumni in […]

Honoring Names: A Simple Way to Promote Belonging

Learn how to properly pronounce and honor the assigned or preferred names of your students and colleagues. Overview When you pronounce names incorrectly, you have an impact. People with non-Anglo or non-European names, which are perceived as being more difficult to pronounce, may feel anxious and excluded. When power dynamics are at play, students and […]