Encore and Live Q&A: Cultural Humility: A Framework to Mitigate Personal Bias

Develop a practice that promotes wonderment and curiosity about the diversity of others in your daily interactions. Overview We all have biases that show up in our interactions and perceptions of others. But these biases can be problematic when they are used unconsciously or consciously to judge, misinterpret, or limit our interactions with others. How […]

How to Maintain Trust in Teams During Transitions

Learn practical solutions to maintain trust among teams facing transitions such as new team members, leadership changes, or institutional priorities.   Overview The changing nature of higher education includes shifts in team membership due to turnover and re organization, leadership transitions, and evolving institutional priorities. Leaders need to understand that trust is the foundation of a […]

A Top-Down and Bottom-Up Leadership Approach to Research Cluster Initiatives

Learn how to lead a successful research cluster planning initiative by aligning institutional research goals and generating buy-in across administrative and faculty audiences. Overview Research clusters help institutions strengthen research activity by promoting innovative and multidisciplinary research, attracting top research talent, garnering external funding, and promoting institutional identity. Further, by taking part in these initiatives, […]

Institute for Annual Giving

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All-Inclusive Members: To ensure a quality interactive experience, member attendance is limited for the live event. Please only register if you plan to attend and participate for the full program.

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A Toolkit to Reengaging and Reconnecting with Students Post-COVID

Support retention from the ground up by rebuilding student connection and engagement with your institution. Overview As institutions have moved back to in-person or hybrid operations from a largely virtual COVID-19 response, student engagement and disconnection is at an all-time high. While the beginning of this trend predated the pandemic, it has now been compounded […]

Strategic Planning as a Dean: Enhance Your Unit’s Success from Start to Finish

Avoid common pitfalls and improve unit-level accountability during your unit’s strategic planning and implementation process. Overview Strategic plans typically take several months to develop and are designed to be implemented over a three- to five-year window. In contrast, the average tenure for a dean is often about three years—less than the time it takes to […]

Working with Institutional Data for Student Retention

Learn how to recognize and communicate data points and patterns to advance your student retention strategies. Overview Data can be a powerful tool for understanding attrition and creating student success programs. Student affairs and enrollment professionals often yearn for access to data, but when they do have access, they may struggle with distilling the data […]