Dr. Luke Schultheis

Dr. Luke David Schultheis was appointed to the newly created position of Vice President for Enrollment, Planning and Effectiveness on December 1, 2017. A national leader in enrollment management, Dr. Schultheis has over 20 years of experience in higher education as a faculty member, chair, dean, and senior administrator, following an initial career in the […]

Crystal M. Botham, Ph.D.

Dr. Botham’s passion for writing proposals was ignited as a graduate student while writing an AHA fellowship. She now directs the Stanford Biosciences Grant Writing Academy, which was based on her successful Tackling Your K course (70% success rate for career development awards!). In 2016, the Grant Writing Academy was honored with an Innovations in […]

Barbara Wright, Ph.D.

Barbara is a respected national expert on assessment with extensive experience in accreditation. She served six years as a member of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. Barbara also has experience in a variety of higher education administrative positions, and has consulted on issues of assessment, general […]

Forecasting the Fall: Calamity or Opportunity?

In these rough waters, higher education leaders cannot indulge the luxury of sitting back and waiting to see what everyone else does. Whatever happens with the pandemic or the economy, we are not going to see a simple “return to normal” or to the conditions under which our institutions operated in January, and leaders must […]

Ryan Pletka

Ryan directs work in Black & Veatch’s San Francisco office focusing on assessments of renewable, advanced, and distributed energy technologies. Ryan has participated in Black & Veatch assessments of more than 100 renewable energy projects and technologies since joining the company in the 1990s. His experience includes projects representing a wide variety of generation technologies […]

Leading through a Rough Spring in the Recruitment Cycle

April is a torturous month, certainly the cruelest, for admissions leaders across the country. It’s especially hard on those who work in extremely competitive markets and endeavor to finish the recruitment cycle by early May. Directors, deans and vice presidents receive calls, office visits and notes from presidents, provosts, trustees, CEOs, any number of colleagues, […]

Laurie Dodge

Dr. Dodge oversees program outcomes assessment, program review, curriculum processes, and the academic catalog. She serves as Brandman University’s WASC accreditation liaison officer and is a member of the WASC Substantive Change Committee. She was appointed for a three-year term to the WASC Interim Report Committee from 2010-2013 and was a member of the WASC […]

Barry Wolf

Barry is a licensed clinical psychologist who joined Albion College in 2004. In 2006, he developed the Academic Success Program (ASP), a multidimensional program designed to promote increased success and retention in Albion College’s highest-risk students. The ASP received the 2009 Noel-Levitz Retention Excellence Award and the 2010 NACADA Outstanding Advising Program Award, identifying it […]

Campaigns: Meaningful Ways to Engage the Board

Too often, board involvement in the campaign is limited to what are essentially tactical assignments — making the ask to their contacts, raising certain quantities. What’s missed in these cases are opportunities to engage the board in what board members do best — big-picture thinking, advocacy, and getting key messages out to the community. Jim Langley, founder and […]

Christopher Romano

Christopher leads the Division of Enrollment Management, including the offices of admissions, advising and first-year experience, career services, financial aid, marketing and web administration, athletics, residence life, the Educational Opportunity Fund, public safety, and the division of student affairs. Christopher chairs the Strategic Enrollment Management Planning Committee. He serves as a member of the president’s […]