Kathi A. Ketcheson, Ph.D

From 1998 to 2001, Kathi directed Portland State University’s institutional portfolio project, a national project funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts and sponsored by the American Association of Higher Education. In 2005, the institutional portfolio served as PSU’s self-study document for reaccreditation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Kathi has published and presented […]

Tactics to Increase the Visibility of Your Honors Program or College

More and more public universities are successfully creating, expanding, and refining Honors Programs/Colleges, yet these colleges are not getting the level of attention from potential applicants to make them as successful as they can be. Join us for this online training to explore how you can use data to build a better brand and promote […]

Percy A. Morehouse, Jr. Ph.D.

Dr. Morehouse became director of equal opportunity and assistant to the president in August 1986. He is a nationally recognized consultant in the development of affirmative action and diversity plans; conducting diversity audits for higher, secondary, and elementary education; supervision and staff development needs assessments and training; conducting and reporting on complex investigations; conducting comprehensive […]

3 Ways to Connect Students to Career Services Early and Often

The schools that are the most successful in helping their students develop professionally are those that engage them early and often. In this webcast, you will learn about three initiatives that Loyola Marymount University has successfully employed to better serve their students: industry-specific networking events, summer engagement, and off-campus career treks. You will leave with […]

The Gift Officer-Faculty Partnership in Academic Medical Fundraising

Grateful patients are often motivated to give because they are thankful for the care they received and want to advance research that may result in finding cures. An effective partnership with medical faculty and staff is one of the critical first steps in providing patients an opportunity to give back. Medical faculty primarily focus on […]

Developing Rigor in Your Fundraising Team

Most advancement leaders rise into their positions from successful fundraising careers with little or no experience managing teams. You’re a leader because you were a great fundraiser. And you were a great fundraiser because you applied rigor and discipline in your schedule and intuited the information and practices needed for success. But how much have […]

Dr. Donald Pearl

Director of the Center for Academic Success, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Donald Pearl oversees extensive programs in tutoring, supplemental instruction, and academic coaching that serve more than 4,000 students each semester. He has been an academic administrator for 18 years, during which time he has held the positions of science chair, academic dean, and […]

7 Strategies for Integrating Student Blogging into ePortfolios

Many academics are searching for new strategies to showcase evidence of student learning. At the same time, students increasingly desire coursework that reaches beyond the boundaries of their campus to showcase academic and personal growth. The use of blogging in ePortfolios is a perfect solution to meet assessment and student engagement needs. Join us for […]

Creating a Safe Space in Your Class During a Crisis

You’re in class (online). Your students are in class. And all of your minds are on COVID-19, quarantine, and making ends meet. How can we as instructors step back, break down the sense of isolation and hopelessness, and use the sharing of our experiences of crisis to create a safe space for students to grow […]

How Faculty Can More Effectively Support Adult Doctoral Students

Have you ever opened your email inbox the day after an assignment is due and received an email with the subject line entitled “request for extension of time”? My first thought is “Here we go,” but then I immediately switch my thought process to: “Be objective; my students are adults completing their doctoral degree.” I […]