Paul Gore

Dr. Gore is responsible for negotiating and coordinated efforts to leverage institutional data to inform strategic planning, institutional operations, student success, and growth. In his faculty role, he serves as the Director of graduate programs in School and Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Dr. Gore’s professional interests focus on high school and college student transition and […]

5 Ways that SUNY Oneonta Optimized its Social Media Strategy

A few years ago, I realized that social had tremendous potential that was only increasing, not just as a transactional communication tool but as a space to have meaningful relationships with prospects, current students, their parents, alumni, community members, even the media. However, up to that time, my campus had focused more on improving old media […]

Featured Panelist: Ewa Urban

As a featured panelist, Ewa will provide a department specific example, Career and Student Employment Services, of integrated assessment, planning and resource allocation in Student Affairs at Western Michigan University. Ewa Urban is an associate director for assessment and technology in Career and Student Employment Services at Western Michigan University, where she leads the department’s […]

Dr. Mark Poisel

Dr. Mark Allen Poisel currently serves as Vice President for Student Affairs at Georgia Regents University, focusing on student success. He previously served as the Associate Provost for Student Success at Pace University, enhancing academic support and retention for all students including transfer, first-generation, international, honors, and veterans. Prior to his role at Pace, he […]

Feasibility Checklist: The Science of Bringing New Academic Programs to Life

The best ideas in the world can easily fall off the radar unless you have a process in place for evaluating, vetting and bringing them to life. Also in this series: Is it Time to Launch that New Academic Program? The Art and Science of Answering that Question Financial Modeling for New Academic Programs Once […]

Margaret Leary

Among other responsibilities, Margaret coordinates assessment and strategic planning efforts for the student affairs division, facilitates the development and implementation of living-learning communities, and supports institutional assessment and retention efforts at the University of San Diego. Before arriving at USD, she gained experience in residential life, counseling, and other areas in student affairs from Villanova […]

Using Retention Metrics to Support At-Risk Online Students

The human and technological resources needed to ensure student success online are expensive to acquire and difficult to maintain. Consequently, institutions must make data-driven decisions about where to invest their resources. However, the data needed to inform such choices can be hard to isolate and are subject to misinterpretation given the complexities and constantly changing […]

Foundations of Project Management

MEMBER EXCLUSIVE Foundations of Project Management Unlock your potential to effectively plan, manage and lead cross-campus strategic initiatives. The next cohort starts on Monday. Project management helps to ensure that mission-driven initiatives in higher education are well-planned and effectively managed to achieve their desired impact and outcomes. The difference between a well-executed and poorly-executed initiative […]

Higher Education in America: A 4-Day Foundational Course

MEMBER EXCLUSIVE Higher Education in America A 4-Day Foundational Course Join our program to receive bite-sized lessons on higher education basics daily for 4 business days. Complete the program to get a certificate! The next cohort starts on Monday. American higher education includes over 4000 institutions of varying size, structure, and focus, with each serving […]

How One Institution is Engaging Alumni through Strategic Community Service Activities

Networking events, game watches, fundraising activities, and mentoring opportunities all have a place in the engagement strategies portfolio. However, there are a significant number of alumni that want to create deeper bonds through community service work. As community service and civic engagement have become an important part of students’ time on campus, it is also […]