Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategic Questions Every University Leader Should Ask Now – Not When It’s Too Late

Higher education mergers are often seen as a sign of personal and institutional defeat, to be avoided at all costs. Yet the truth is that waiting until the last possible moment, when the institution is in full tail spin, is the true sign of failure. The time to be watching for strategic partnerships or opportunities […]

Scott Sportsman

Dr. Scott Sportsman serves as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) and Senior Director of Research and Analytics in the Enrollment Management and Student Success (EMSS) division at Miami University. As CSO, he assists the Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success with developing, communicating, executing, and sustaining division-wide priorities and high-priority initiatives and projects. […]

Why Are Our Academic Advisors Disengaged or Burned Out? And What Can We Do About It?

Without ongoing support and development, advisors may become disengaged. Here is how you can evaluate, energize, and engage experienced academic advisors. There are many resources devoted to the training and development of new advisors. However, once advisors are “up and running,” it is easy to leave them on their own and assume that they are […]

Chiefs of Staff Learning Hub

Critical Advice for University Chiefs of Staff The role of Chief of Staff is intensive, difficult to define, and requires a unique and challenging skill set. We asked five veteran chiefs of staff for their best nuggets of advice for both those new to the role and those experienced in it: View Video Transcript Expand […]

Authentic Conversations: A Discussion Series with Amazing Women Leaders

Authentic Conversations: A Discussion Series with Amazing Women Leaders   Recorded on December 11, 2023 | Recorded on December 15, 2023 | October 11 , 2024 Meet the women leading higher education. Overview While women have consistently earned the majority of advanced degrees, they remain underrepresented and underpaid in higher education leadership positions. The pandemic […]

Challenging Androcentrism and Implicit Bias in the Academy

Higher education is still “a man’s world,” though it doesn’t have to be. But equipping women with tips and tools for getting ahead isn’t enough to level the playing field; deep change requires a shift in organizational culture. This is the first in a series of articles looking at how college and universities can navigate […]

Donna Younger

For over thirty years, Donna Younger has served as a practitioner, consultant, and researcher in the field of adult learning and development, with particular emphasis on assessment. As a consultant for the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), Donna has worked to train practitioners in prior learning assessment and has consulted with two- and […]

Amanda Knerr

Amanda currently oversees assessment efforts for the Office of Residence Life at Penn State and has worked for the past decade to educate student affairs practitioners on the importance of assessment. Amanda also has worked collaboratively with both academic affairs and student affairs departments at multiple institutions to develop university-wide assessment projects. She has served […]

4 Keys to Building a Stronger Advancement Team

We often talk about improving the success of annual giving programs in the context of external tactics. As important as the programs you execute are the strategies you use internally to ensure that your colleagues understand your work, see themselves in your success, and view you as keys to their own success. Building your program’s […]

5 Strategies for Leading Change

Addressing the challenge of institutional change is necessary and difficult. Each institution has a unique path forward; the ones most successful at moving forward are those that match their unique organizational strengths to a compelling vision of the future. Implementing change within our diffuse decision-making structures requires an approach anchored in social science, communication studies, […]