Five Guideposts for Successfully Navigating the Tenure Process

By Emma White JD, MAAssistant Professor and Department Chair, English, University of Hawai`i, Maui College Navigation and cartography may be overused clichés, but they helped me through tenure’s stormy seas. And the process of obtaining tenure is an especially stormy sea for women in particular. Data from the American Association of University Women shows that […]

3 Ways to Assess and Build Student Resiliency

This article is an excerpt from Sue Ohrablo’s acclaimed book High-Impact Advising: A Guide for Academic Advisors, which you can find here. Currently, higher education institutions are facing a crisis with declining enrollment and student attrition. Higher education professionals are being tasked with student retention on a system-wide level. With the issuing of this directive, student […]

Special Edition: Successful Peer Mentor Programs

In an effort to increase retention, create leadership opportunities for students, and reduce costs, campuses are increasingly turning to peer mentor programs as one ideal solution. To help you as you develop or improve the effectiveness of your peer mentor program, we offer this Special Edition, bringing together experts from diverse institutions to offer their […]

Summer Bridge Programs: Impact and Tips for Success

Amid growing pressure on student retention and completion rates, much of the current research on factors in student success emphasizes both the importance of early intervention with at-risk students and increased attention to obstacles that confront students in the first weeks of their first term, including academic underpreparedness and the transition from the rigor, study […]

Integrating E-Portfolios into Your Assessment Strategy

Trent Batson, executive director of The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), stirred some controversy this week with an article entitled “The Testing Straitjacket,” in which he advocates for privileging e-portfolios over legacy testing as a primary tool for assessing student learning, arguing that e-portfolios, which “encourage students to use their collection of […]

Transitioning Campaign Success into Evergreen Giving Opportunities

Campaigns are long-term, effort-intensive fundraising cycles that require hard work and commitment from Advancement staff, university and volunteer leaders, and donors. When a campaign comes to a close, the institution must balance the celebration of its accomplishments and gratitude for donors with the ongoing need for philanthropic support, all in the setting of inevitable potential […]

Four Strategies for Successfully Advising Undeclared Students

Gain strategies and tactics to help you be more intentional in your advising support of undeclared students. Haley Richards from Colorado State University will share how her institution helped undeclared students outpace the average first year GPA, and she will teach you how to incorporate a similar plan of action on your campus. Whether you […]

Taking a Formative Assessment Approach to Annual Faculty Evaluations

Whether your faculty are standout rock stars, or they are struggling to perform as expected, the annual evaluation is a valuable opportunity to foster engagement with them. It’s a chance to reflect on how the year has gone, express gratitude for their contributions to the campus community, and provide specific and actionable feedback to help […]

Understanding Your Five Paths to Leadership℠ Assessment Results

Higher education is undergoing great change, and as leaders, we need to remain dynamic and responsive to those changes. The Five Paths to Leadership℠ Self-Assessment can help you to identify ways to effectively adapt your leadership style to a variety of situations and people. Thousands of leaders in higher ed have benefited from this model, […]

Assessing Student Learning Outcomes: Surveys Aren’t Enough

In a recent Academic Impressions webcast, student learning assessment expert John Hoffman polled student affairs representatives from 200 institutions of higher education about their data collection methods for assessing student learning. Participants were asked to select their two most common methods of gathering data. The results were dismaying but perhaps unsurprising: …but, only: The reliance […]