Customer Service Skills Training: Certification for Higher Education Professionals

As competition in higher education intensifies, so do the appetites of prospective students for institutions that provide the best education and experience for their tuition dollars. Instilling a culture of service excellence at all levels of an institution can directly enhance enrollment and improve student retention. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable impact on […]

The Physical Campus: A Critical Asset, a Key Opportunity

In this Report: Improvement and stewardship of the physical campus is key to your institution’s competitiveness. Given deferred maintenance backlogs and changes in student expectations for the campus, it is critical to treat your physical campus as a resource, and manage it effectively and efficiently. With more intentional management of your facilities, you can: Yet […]

Report: Developing Leaders in Higher Education

June 2011. Nearly one-half of higher-ed administrators gave their institution a C, D, or F letter grade when assessing their campus’s commitment to their development as a leader. Higher ed institutions are facing impending waves of retirement at all levels of the institution and across all sectors of our industry. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, […]

Bob Atkins

Bob leads Gray and the development of Gray’s education industry software and services. He works with Gray’s education clients, consulting with Presidents, CAOs, CFOs, and CMOs on program assessment, institutional strategy, pricing, and location selection. Since founding Gray Associates, Bob has worked with institutions across all sectors of higher education, including the University of Cincinnati, […]

Scholarly Productivity and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cultivating Community in a Remote Writing Group

Dr. Carol Anne Constabile-Heming, Professor of German, University of North Texas. Because of the isolation that resulted from the emergency shut down of colleges and universities as a response to the spread of COVID-19 in the spring semester, the sense of community that ordinarily germinates organically on college and university campuses all but vanished. This, […]

DFW Rates and You: Rethinking Support for At-Risk Students

In a recent interview with Academic Impressions, Bernadette Jungblut, West Virginia University’s director of assessment and retention, noted with some dismay that too frequently institutions have used data on individual courses’ D/fail/withdraw rates primarily as a means of performance evaluation for faculty, rather than partnering with faculty in taking a closer look at the DFW […]

Effectively Manage Matching and Challenge Gift Campaigns

Many educational institutions benefit from large matching or challenge gifts (not to be confused with corporate matching gift programs). A donor makes a gift or pledge with the expectation that the advancement shop will raise the same amount of funds from other donors. For example, a donor may pledge $50M to a new building project […]

Angela Erickson

Angela has been passionately committed to higher education in the liberal arts tradition throughout her career. She began as a faculty member, educating and mentoring students for over 13 years at several institutions including San Diego State University (CA) and the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University (MN). Her passion for the liberal arts, coupled […]

Creating a Culture of Advisement: Engaging Faculty in Advising

Sometimes you don’t just need to change advising procedures; you need to change the culture of academic advising on campus. A few years ago at Ramapo College of New Jersey, our enrollment management division surveyed faculty, first-year students, and upper-class students to learn where students turned for help in making academic decisions as they progressed […]

Shining a Light on Diversity & Inclusion Lessons from a small, residential, liberal arts college striving for big change

Jennifer Bonds-RaackeProvost & Vice President of Academic Affairs, St. Norbert College Billy Korinko(Content Expert), Director of Cassandra Voss Center, St. Norbert College Introduction The need to reevaluate our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) work at St. Norbert College came into focus as systemic racism, violence and outrage led to devastated cities, communities, families and […]