A Road Map for Campus Sustainability

In this report: A Sustainable Approach to Sustainability Coordinating Sustainability Efforts Across Campus Integrating Sustainability into Curricular and Co-curricular Programs Efficiency and Cost Control Leveraging Early Successes to Increase Funding and Involvement A Letter From Amit Mrig, President, Academic Impressions July 2011. Whether your institution is driven by social values, economic reality, or political and market […]

Rufus Glasper, Ph.D., CPA, CGFM

Dr. Glasper has served as chancellor since 2003 and previously held district leadership positions for more than two decades. As chancellor, Dr. Glasper is the chief executive officer of the ten-college district known commonly as the Maricopa Community Colleges, overseeing all educational and administrative operations. Dr. Glasper served from 2009-2012 as the committee co-chair for […]

Encore: Recruiting, Training, and Engaging Alumni Volunteers in a Digital Environment

Alumni volunteers are immensely valuable to institutions in both their service and giving power— they tend to give 10 times more than non-volunteers. However, since the pandemic, the script has flipped on how we recruit and engage alumni volunteers through digital channels. In-person volunteer opportunities continue to foster alumni engagement, but with digital opportunities growing […]

Rethinking the President’s Role in Fundraising

Because your institution’s president is uniquely positioned to scan the horizon and help develop and communicate a vision of the future to prospective donors, his or her role in fundraising entails far more than just making connections and making the ask. In his recent monograph “Fundraising for Presidents: A Guide,” Jim Langley, president and founder […]

Is Your Spring Admissions Program Effective?

With approximately 25% of students beginning college at a time other than the fall term (National Student Clearinghouse, 2012), the picture of the new student experience is becoming more fluid every day. Yet, many schools don’t provide customized support to assist with the differing considerations these students face. To ensure that you are investing appropriately […]

How One Institution Took its Financial Literacy Program to the Next Level: Keys to Engaging Students

Originally published in 2015. As average student loan debt climbs to over $33,000 and the cost of living continues to grow higher, more and more colleges and universities are taking steps to build robust financial literacy programs on their campuses. Such programs typically offer a variety of services and educational tools for students on fiscal […]

High-Impact Faculty Development: How El Camino College Helps Faculty Implement Learning-Centered Techniques in the Classroom

Have you experienced this scenario? Your faculty members attend a professional development training and return to campus excited to try new ideas. Fast-forward a few months…and little has changed because pedagogical transformation was shunted aside in favor of day-to-day teaching and research obligations. When this scenario happened at El Camino College, a group of faculty […]

The Physical Campus: A Critical Asset, a Key Opportunity

In this Report: Improvement and stewardship of the physical campus is key to your institution’s competitiveness. Given deferred maintenance backlogs and changes in student expectations for the campus, it is critical to treat your physical campus as a resource, and manage it effectively and efficiently. With more intentional management of your facilities, you can: Yet […]

Report: Developing Leaders in Higher Education

June 2011. Nearly one-half of higher-ed administrators gave their institution a C, D, or F letter grade when assessing their campus’s commitment to their development as a leader. Higher ed institutions are facing impending waves of retirement at all levels of the institution and across all sectors of our industry. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, […]

Bob Atkins

Bob leads Gray and the development of Gray’s education industry software and services. He works with Gray’s education clients, consulting with Presidents, CAOs, CFOs, and CMOs on program assessment, institutional strategy, pricing, and location selection. Since founding Gray Associates, Bob has worked with institutions across all sectors of higher education, including the University of Cincinnati, […]