What Does Collaborative Strategic Planning Actually Look Like? An Informal Case Study

A PROCESS THAT WORKSIf the case study below intrigues you, you can learn the 5-phase Collaborative Strategic Planning process that Anoka Ramsey Community College undertook in Pat Sanaghan’s book Strategic Planning: 5 Tough Questions, 5 Proven Answers.Case Study: Anoka Technical College & Anoka Ramsey Community College by Andrew Aspaas, Patrick Sanaghan, Donald Lewis, and Kent […]

Elizabeth Chapman

Betsy Chapman is responsible for communications with undergraduate parents across a variety of platforms, including the Parents’ Page website and the Daily Deac blog, as well as parent content for Facebook and Twitter. She also works with the Wake Forest Parents’ Council and is responsible for the Council’s operations, meetings, and member fundraising. Betsy also […]

Addressing a Changing Landscape in Higher Education Due to COVID-19: Lessons From One Institution for Academic Leaders

ByAnand R. Marri, Dean and Professor, Teachers College, Ball State University Paaige K. Turner, Dean and Professor, College of Communication, Information, and Media, Ball State University Susana Rivera-Mills, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ball State University While the COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges for higher education institutions across the world, it […]

7 Ways Academic Leaders Can Cultivate Creativity

This article continues a series focused on Creating an Innovative Institutional Mindset. More articles will follow. The previous article in this series is: Creative thinking skills are more important than ever if we are to deal with the vast and complex array of challenges facing many colleges and universities. In my last article I discussed the difficulty […]

7 Strategies for Integrating Student Blogging into ePortfolios

Many academics are searching for new strategies to showcase evidence of student learning. At the same time, students increasingly desire coursework that reaches beyond the boundaries of their campus to showcase academic and personal growth. The use of blogging in ePortfolios is a perfect solution to meet assessment and student engagement needs. Join us for […]

Have It Your Way (or Not): Customer Service Across Generations

A college community has perhaps the most generationally diverse members of any organization. From Baby Boomers and Generation X to Millennials and Gen Z, today’s students and employees alike co-navigate university systems with vastly different expectations of how they like to be treated as customers. These varying preferences have great impact on the campus culture […]

Maximize the Success of Your Next Campaign: A Conference for Campaign Leaders

As the campaign leader, you must be thoughtful and organized in your approach to campaign planning to pull off this large-scale initiative for your campus community. This front-end planning phase requires you to evaluate the feasibility of your campaign, create the infrastructure of support, ensure buy-in and commitment from critical stakeholders, prepare your staff, and […]

Ghostwriting for the President: 3 Techniques to Capture Their Voice

“Let us never underestimate the power of a well-written letter.”– Jane Austen, Persuasion A decade ago, when I was getting started in the legal department at Missouri State University, one of our campuses became embroiled in a turf dispute with another educational institution. Stakeholders from both institutions met to explore collaborative options. The stakeholder meeting […]

Tackling the Challenge (and the Stigma) of Student Food Insecurity

In 12 years, the number of food pantries on college campuses has grown from 1 to 700. However, due to the cultural stigma of facing hunger, the existence of a food pantry, by itself, does not solve the issue of student food insecurity. In early 2019, the Hope Center reported that up to 45% of […]

World War Z? The Impact of Multiple Generations on Campus

With more generations in the workplace than ever before, there is no shortage of jokes, social media flurry, and casual speculation about the Millennials in your team meeting or the Boomer down the hall. Interestingly, while we love to discuss these topics, very few people actually know what their differences are beyond vague stereotypes like […]