Assessing Incoming Student Readiness for Online Learning

Evaluate the preparedness of your incoming online students in a more meaningful way. This webcast will teach you how to implement proven assessment strategies and improve upon the assessments that you already have in place. You will leave better prepared to answer questions such as: How can I best evaluate the writing, reading, and critical […]

Structuring Successful Outsourcing Contracts for Campus Services

Outsourcing campus services can be an appealing option for institutions looking to improve campus services while reducing costs. However, many institutions struggle to structure and negotiate these contracts in a way that serves both short- and long-term service goals. Successful outsourcing contracts balance institutional expectations with service provider interests, especially when: Articulating project scope and […]

Making Your Faculty-in-Residence Program Successful

A small but growing number of public institutions are adding living-learning residence programs that include the integration of faculty into the residential facility. Recent news has highlighted faculty-in-residence programs at the University of Colorado and the University of South Carolina. What’s clear from the success of programs at USC and other institutions is that having faculty […]

Checking for Policies and Procedures that Impede Student Success

Last July, we interviewed a past college president, a current college president, and a vice president of student affairs, about the need to review and audit institutional policies and procedures that delay students in progressing toward their degree — and they had specific tips on where to start looking for “bottlenecks.” This week, we decided […]

Enhancing Campus Partnerships to Achieve Fundraising Success

Fundraising for your academic unit does not happen in a vacuum. You and your dean need to work in concert with campus partners to build a pipeline of prospective donors, identify a case for support, and connect donors’ values and passions to institutional priorities. In this session, we’ll discuss challenges with and ways to improve […]

Helping Chinese Students Transition for Academic Success

Originally published when international enrollment was booming, the suggestions given below for helping Chinese students achieve academic success remain relevant. A number of reports in the past months have highlighted rising numbers of students from China, and rising efforts by US institutions to recruit them. A recent article in USA Today profiled some of the […]

Essential Practices for Leaders Communicating Across Difference

Many leaders strive to create an inclusive environment for their employees, but this can be difficult to achieve without first taking time to understand how our own identity can impact our ability to engage in effective and supportive dialogue with a diverse team. Through this training’s experiential activities and small-group discussion, participants who are leading […]

Foster Inclusion in the Classroom Through Formative Assessment

Today’s classrooms are more diverse and complex than ever. As faculty, you know you need to prepare a diverse student population – with varying perspectives and backgrounds. But how do you know if you’re making learning inclusive for all? In what ways can you get feedback from your students to ensure that your instruction resonates […]

Improving Student Success: A Conversation with the Incoming President of WICHE

Being based in Colorado, we were excited to hear that our current Lt. Governor, Joseph Garcia, was named the new President of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), which works to expand access and opportunity across its 16 member states and territories. Garcia will begin his new role in July. Previously, Garcia served […]

Success Coaching: How to Turn Training into Action

How do you make sure that what you bring back from a conference gets followed up on and leads to action? How do you get more return on that investment and really build your capacity? Often the missing step is to pair training with success coaching. Here’s what that can look like. Take a moment […]