Melody Blake

Melody serves as the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. Wesleyan is the first college in the world chartered to grant degrees to women. Melody has spent her career empowering women to succeed, and her work at Wesleyan is a natural fit for her passion for […]

Keys to Redesigning Gateway Courses: Faculty Buy-in, Pitfalls to Avoid, and Critical Steps that Deserve More Attention

Gateway courses essential to student degree paths continue to be a barrier for institutional, faculty, and student goals. However, the large number of students enrolled in these courses often leads to lower student completion rates and the decision to redesign the course. While many institutions choose to redesign each course section independently, the most successful […]

The 3 Critical Elements to Include in Department Chair Training

Chairs occupy an essential position on our campuses, sitting at the intersection point that connects our faculty to institutional strategy, context, and culture. They also make some of the most impactful decisions that shape the university, overseeing decisions related to hiring, promotion, and curriculum. Yet for most institutions, the support and training available to chairs […]

Overcoming the 5 Key Challenges to Sustaining a Positive Culture of Service Excellence

You’ve embraced the idea of enhancing customer service on your campus, you’ve provided training for your team, and now the hard part begins—maintaining momentum! This free webcast will discuss five key challenges to sustaining a culture of service and how you can overcome them. The five challenges are:  Join us for this virtual learning experience developed […]

Kathleen Martin

Dr. Kathleen Martin serves as Chief of Staff at Springfield College, bringing to the role over 20 years of experience in higher education administration. Throughout her career, Dr. Martin has gained a reputation as an “institutional knitter,” skilled in synthesizing information and happenings from across a campus into a compelling institutional story that enhances decision-making […]

Chris Nicholson

Chris Nicholson has over two decades of leadership in higher education as an administrator, consultant, speaker, and faculty member. He currently serves as Assistant Dean of Enrollment, Marketing, and Partnerships for University College at the University of Denver, which offers over 100 academic programs and a robust portfolio of non-credit programing to over 8,000 learners […]

Robert Cipriano

Dr. Cipriano has a doctororate degree from New York University in Therapeutic Recreation with a cognate area in College Teaching. He has published four textbooks, contributed chapters in three additional textbooks, has published more than 160 journal articles and manuscripts, and has received in excess of $9 million in state and federal grants and contracts. […]

5 Ways You Can Bridge the Communications / Development Chasm

At many institutions, the limited resources for external relations have been redirected to grow the office’s fund-raising capacity. Communications professionals, with jobs lost and budgets cut, watch two dynamics: the growth of decentralized communications and the growth of a sister office, development – both occurring at their perceived expense. And yet both demand more public […]

Gary Meyer

Dr. Gary Meyer is communication professor and senior vice provost for faculty affairs at Marquette University. In this role, he helps prepare faculty for a meaningful and successful career at Marquette University across the many roles they will take on as teachers, scholars, and university leaders. Among his responsibilities, Dr. Meyer oversees new faculty orientation […]

Vincent Windrow

Vincent has principal responsibility for the leadership and oversight of many high impact initiatives here at the University. Under his direction, the Scholars Academy – our high-profile summer bridge program – was scaled from 32 to 167 participants and boasts an 85% first year retention rate. Vincent, who received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from […]