Annie Myers

Annie has managed and successfully implemented the Accelerated IT Competency-based Training Programs under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants Program (TAACCCT) grant. As part of her role she oversees the curriculum and assessment development, and resources utilized in the delivery of the online CBE program. She also helps develop and deliver […]

Dr. Tristan Denley

Dr. Denley has served as provost and vice president for Academic and Student Affairs since January 2009. Originally from Penzance, England, Dr. Denley held positions in Sweden, Canada, and the University of Mississippi before coming to Austin Peay. At Ole Miss, he served as chair of Mathematics before assuming the role of senior fellow of […]

Lessons Learned from Institutions Undertaking Program Prioritization

At Academic Impressions, we recently offered a national snapshot of efforts to prioritize academic programs and administrative services at higher-ed institutions. Our report included commentary from Bob Dickeson (who literally wrote the book on program prioritization) and Larry Goldstein (president of Campus Strategies, LLC), in which these two experts identified the prerequisites for success. The […]

The Current State of Competency-Based Education in the US

Recently, I had the privilege to sit in on a press release of the very preliminary findings from a joint Eduventures/Ellucian survey reporting on institutions’ level of commitment to competency-based education (CBE). The full report on the survey will not be released until June, and in fact the survey is still open. But as of […]

Saving on Administrative Costs through Shared Service Agreements: 2 Case Studies

Given depleted funding sources and scrutiny over the costs of higher education, institutions across the country are recognizing that traditional modes of operation are not sustainable; many are instead looking at more efficient models of shared operational and administrative services. The reality of established cultures and organizational structures at nearly all institutions make generating these […]

Academic Advising’s Role in Change Implementation

READ THE WHOLE SERIES:Developing a High-Performing and Productive Advising Department In this series, “Developing a High-Performing and Productive Advising Department,” I’ve discussed strategies for identifying, assessing, and meeting student, staff, and advisors’ needs. Now I will discuss strategies for positively impacting departmental, college, and university-wide systems and contributing to the effective implementation of change. Be a […]

4 Blind Spots Colleges Miss in Revising General Education

AN IN-DEPTH STUDY OF GENERAL EDUCATION REVISION In 2013, Academic Impressions conducted a survey of 308 post-secondary institutions and conducted select follow-up interviews to learn more about how US and Canadian institutions are seeking to revise their core curriculums. We presented our findings and several case studies in our paper General Education Reform: Unseen Opportunities, […]

5 Strengths Military-Connected Students Bring to Your Campus

Presenters: Recorded Webcast, Supporting Military-Connected Students for Success and Completion Each fall, as faculty, academic advisors, and others return to campus, there are fresh articles and blog posts about how to help military and veteran students. Often, these articles focus unfortunately on the “issues” that military students might bring to a campus, or the unique […]

Mark C. Hampton

In his new role, effective October 7, Mark will provide high-level, analytically-based, and data-driven advice to advance strategy development and operational efficiency at all levels, and will lead and oversee the finance, facilities, human resources, public safety, and information technology divisions of the Law School. Before accepting his position at Brooklyn Law, Hampton had a […]

How to Use an Inclusive ROI Approach for Program Prioritization

Currently, academic leaders are rethinking their programs to meet the realities of student demands in a post-Covid environment. Some universities have sunset entire departments and programs, while others have taken programs hybrid or fully online. What is right for your division? And how do you gain faculty buy-in for the tough decisions you need to […]