Bernadette Jungblut

Bernadette’s 20 years in higher education have included responsibility for strategic planning, regional and specialized accreditation, and academic program development and assessment. She has also created and coordinated student success initiatives including new student orientation, the first-year experience, early alert and academic probation programming, and programs for freshmen who are conditionally admitted, exploratory, first in […]

Fundraising Essentials: Advancing Your Career for Underrepresented Professionals

While the advancement profession has grown increasingly diverse, senior management and chief advancement officer roles remain largely male and white. Women have made strides into senior management roles across the field in recent years, but many are not compensated at the same level as their male counterparts. As institutions attract increasingly diverse student populations, it […]

Nathan Blouin

Nathan has over 10 years of experience in Research Development and pre-award Sponsored Research Administration. As Director of UNC’s Office of Research Development, he constantly looks for new ways to support the research mission of the university. Prior to joining UNC in 2016, Nathan led a large and complex proposal support effort at New York […]

Using Thinking Aloud Strategies to Create Equity in Distance Learning

By Prof. Dr. Eugene AllevatoWoodbury University In education, equity means to ensure that every student has an equal chance for success based on their specific needs. Due to the recent pandemic, the transition to distance learning has caused the achievement gap to widen requiring new tools and strategies to reduce barriers, especially to underrepresented groups. […]

Actualize Your Purpose, Part 2: Everyday Strategies for Staying Connected to Your Well-Being

Working in higher education now requires navigating remote, hybrid environments and supporting overextended students and colleagues while navigating institutional complexity and resource precarity. To show up for this kind of work, you must intentionally center your well-being to thrive in this ever-changing environment.  In Part 1 of this workshop series, you assessed your well-being, identified […]

Using Peer Mentorship to Support Online Faculty

Maintaining online course quality is key to successfully growing online programs. However, supporting and monitoring online instruction is challenging because of the varying quality of teaching in the online environment. By implementing a peer mentor model that capitalizes on the internal expertise of your best online faculty, you can improve course quality across all of […]

Global Considerations for a Modern Campaign

International alumni are often overlooked in campaign efforts. However, a campaign is a great opportunity to engage your institution’s increasingly diverse constituents. While many institutions may be intimidated by the prospect of a global campaign, your shop can successfully accomplish a global campaign by: Identifying your international alumni base Gathering and reviewing important alumni data Planning […]

Engaging and Celebrating First-Generation Students and Faculty on Your Campus

Institutions often struggle to support first-gen students as many of them hide their status or are unaware that they may qualify as first-gen. By helping students to self-identify, your student support teams are better able to connect them with first-gen faculty, alumni, and other students. Hearing from others who have had similar experiences and learning […]

Ann Hasse-Kehl

Ann Haase Kehl has been the Program Coordinator for the Women in Science and Engineering Residential Learning Community at UW-Madison since 2001. As an academic staff member affiliated with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, she has had the privilege to build collaborations between academic units and WISE to support the success of students […]