Motivating and Leading Across Generations Webcast Recording

Gain a better understanding of the unique characteristics of different generations, what motivates them, and what potential perspectives they bring. Throughout this online training, we will focus on arming you with the information and tools you need to manage a multigenerational team. You will leave with a greater ability to form a cohesive working environment […]

Predictive Analytics for Improved Student Success Interventions

This two-part online training series will help you identify key predictive data, use that data to select retention programming, and assess the overall effectiveness of your interventions. Expert instructor, Russ Little, brings knowledge and experience from across the nation. You will learn: Strategies to inventory and map your current intervention strategy How to utilize predictive […]

Academic Coaching: Models for Student Success and Retention

Academic coaching is a powerful retention tool for at-risk, probationary, international, and other critical student populations. Coaching allows students to have one-on-one conversations with professionals who help them set academic goals and fill any gaps that exist between academic advising, tutoring, career services, and counseling. An in-house academic coaching model is a cost-effective approach to […]

Assessing Incoming Student Readiness for Online Learning

Evaluate the preparedness of your incoming online students in a more meaningful way. This webcast will teach you how to implement proven assessment strategies and improve upon the assessments that you already have in place. You will leave better prepared to answer questions such as: How can I best evaluate the writing, reading, and critical […]

Structuring Successful Outsourcing Contracts for Campus Services

Outsourcing campus services can be an appealing option for institutions looking to improve campus services while reducing costs. However, many institutions struggle to structure and negotiate these contracts in a way that serves both short- and long-term service goals. Successful outsourcing contracts balance institutional expectations with service provider interests, especially when: Articulating project scope and […]

Leading a Successful Esports Program in Higher Education

To be a successful esports coach, you must extend your traditional leadership skills into a new competitive space. The games and personalities are different, but you must manage young people and their frustrations, recruit talent, and ensure everyone graduates and contributes to the university – all within traditional and digital spaces. Join us for a […]

Succession Planning: Advice for the President, the Board, and HR

Is external search the best approach? The president and the board at least have an open and honest conversation about whether to pursue succession planning, asking whether an internal successor who knows the culture and has the trust of other key stakeholders would be better positioned to take the helm and affect change. Lucie Lapovsky, […]

Advanced Strategies for a Successful Corporate Campus Visit

When hosting potential corporate partners on-campus, it’s easy for the visit to become a tour or show and tell. If not done well, all parties involved may be drained and left without the desired outcome. If skillfully executed, the visit is the perfect opportunity to hone in on the intersection between the corporation’s and your […]

Launching an Academic Success Coaching Model in Advising

Learn how you can improve your advising model to include coaching conversations that go beyond basic course selection. Highlighting Florida Atlantic University, we will show how they created another “level” of advisors who serve as academic success coaches for their at-risk students. We will discuss how to identify and prioritize specific student populations for coaching […]

9 Formative Assessment Techniques for
Online Courses

Gain nine formative online assessment strategies to improve student learning outcomes. This example-packed training provides a guide for each assessment technique, allowing you to practically apply these techniques in your online courses to improve student feedback and more effectively address student challenges.