Darla Fletcher

Dr. Fletcher has worked in higher education in institutional research at The University of Memphis and in the Registrar’s Office and Information and Technology Services at Arkansas State University. She has managed websites for many Academic Affairs offices and created homegrown software applications, such as the Early Alert program, a program assessment software, a graduation […]

Building a University Service Culture: Case Study from Laurentian University

Creating a culture of service excellence is critical to enhance enrollment, improve student retention, and better engage alumni. Is your institution responding to the connection between the quality of customer service and the success of the larger institutional mission? This webcast features a case study of how Laurentian University successfully shifted the culture surrounding customer […]

Actualize Your Purpose: A Workshop on Improving Your Well-Being

The pandemic has fundamentally altered the way we work: remote and hybrid environments, students and colleagues in greater need of support, and demands for greater work-life balance. This is the perfect time to take stock, check in with yourself and your goals, and start creating work habits that work for you.    Join us online for […]

Cindy Babington

Cindy Babington is a higher education consultant helping institutions create staff development and performance management plans, identify staffing gaps and needs, leverage assessment results for decision-making, and develop programs and policies that best serve students. She has provided professional development workshops on emotional intelligence, change leadership, career discernment, employee coaching, and strategic planning. Cindy provides […]

Planning and Budgeting: Critical Advice for the President and Cabinet

This week, we interviewed Pat Sanaghan, president of The Sanaghan Group, who has worked with dozens of institutions to coach them through a collaborative and effective strategic planning and budgeting process. We wanted to ask what advice he would most want college and university presidents and members of their cabinets to hear. This is what […]

Carlos Guillen

Carlos Guillen draws on over 10 years of professional experience in higher education in his role at the University of Washington in Seattle. In his current role, Carlos provides leadership to a department charged with the successful transition of over 8,000 first year students. Carlos earned his Master of Science in Student Affairs in Higher […]

Actualize Your Purpose and Legacy: Workshop on Improving Your Well-Being

The pandemic has required all of us to pivot in new ways. We’ve often had to take on additional responsibilities that may not align with our strengths and interests, and have had to manage our relationships almost exclusively in a virtual space. Still, our success is often measured in immediate gains, and it’s unclear how […]

Survey Report: Where Your Institution May be Missing Opportunities to Improve Academic Advising

In November 2011, Academic Impressions surveyed colleges and universities on their practices in assessing academic advisors. 73 institutions responded, and of those who responded, 57 percent employ both faculty and professional advisors, 24 percent use only faculty advisors, and 19 percent use only professional advisors. The aggregated results from the survey reveal some significant issues. […]

Actualize Your Purpose and Legacy: Workshop on Improving Your Well-Being

The pandemic has required all of us to pivot in new ways. We’ve taken on additional responsibilities that may not align with our strengths and interests. We’ve managed our relationships almost exclusively through virtual means Our success is often measured in immediate gains, and it’s unclear how to plan for the future. Amongst all of […]

Using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Academic Program Evaluation

FREE WEBCAST Using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Academic Program Evaluation Recorded on September 26, 2023 Improve your academic programs using a modern-day program evaluation system. Natural language processing, artificial Intelligence, and machine learning can help universities to allocate resources, identify areas of high demand, and optimize scheduling. Join us for an interactive […]