Spotlight on Innovation: LaGuardia Community College Pilots Project COMPLETA to Support First-Gen, Low-Income Students

SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 24 colleges and universities that are innovating to solve critical challenges with access, recruitment, retention, and student success. At AI, we have interviewed each of the recipients to learn more about the projects these institutions are […]

The “Big Quit”: Rethinking Staff Retention and Recruitment

FREE WEBCAST SERIES The “Big Quit”: Rethinking Staff Retention and Recruitment Series Overview As campus leaders emerge from crisis management mode and continue to navigate an ever-shifting work environment, they are now met with the challenge of finding ways to attract, retain, and support their staff. How can supervisors apply the lessons they learned during […]

Student Success and Retention in the Time of Coronavirus

We know many of our faculty have had a big transition to make, as institutions have moved courses online rapidly in response to COVID-19—but it’s a huge transition for many of our students, too, especially those who have never taken an online course or who have limited access to the Internet now that campus is […]

6 Things Presidents and Chancellors MUST Do to Prepare for a Crisis

INTERVIEWS WITH PRESIDENTS AND CHANCELLORS This article was adapted from interviews conducted during the course of preparation for chapter 3, authored by Cindy Lawson, in Managing the Unthinkable, Crisis Preparation and Response for Campus Leaders, edited by Gretchen M. Bataille and Diana I. Cordova, Stylus Publishing, LLC. 2014. Throughout my long career in public relations both […]

Help Wanted: Addressing the Current Hiring Challenges in Higher Ed

Help Wanted: Addressing the Current Hiring Challenges in Higher Ed WEBCAST SERIES   August 23, 2022 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET September 27, 2022 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET November 29, 2022 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET Series Overview Over the past two years, higher-ed has been challenged to respond to inequities […]

How One Institution is Taking an Accelerated, Synchronous Approach to Online Developmental Education

Here’s how Rasmussen College has increased its developmental education pass rates by double digits while decreasing the number and percentage of students who require remedial coursework. FROM RASMUSSEN COLLEGE DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION STUDENTS: “I am one who hated math because I couldn’t understand it. I came into this class with the attitude that I was going […]

Advising: 3 Ways to Effectively Assist Students during High Traffic Periods

This article is an excerpt from Sue Ohrablo’s acclaimed book High-Impact Advising: A Guide for Academic Advisors, which you can find here. This week marks the end of yet another hectic week filled with long days, endless phone calls, appointments, emails, and walk-ins. There are times when I get frustrated that I have to answer yet […]

Integrating E-Portfolios into Your Assessment Strategy

Trent Batson, executive director of The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), stirred some controversy this week with an article entitled “The Testing Straitjacket,” in which he advocates for privileging e-portfolios over legacy testing as a primary tool for assessing student learning, arguing that e-portfolios, which “encourage students to use their collection of […]

From Information Overload to Collaborative Learning: Why Higher Ed Needs Higher Tech

Our campus communities — students, faculty, staff, alumni — deal with information overload across many platforms and apps. Isn’t it time we brought campus communication and learning into one high-tech ecosystem? Editorial by Kathy Edersheim (President, Impactrics LLC) and Yasim Rahman (CEO, Unio) Today, while we all deal with massive information overload, this is an […]

The Transformational Small College President

The recent Sweet Briar crisis highlighted the difficulties that at-risk institutions face in ensuring their basic survival. Not only has the feasibility of a women’s college been questioned, but also the viability of small colleges in general. Often, colleges respond to difficulties with incremental improvements and enhancements — short-term remedies that tend not to address […]