Amy Kenyon Campbell

Amy plans, implements, and assesses faculty development programs for the improvement of teaching and learning and manages personnel and other resources for the Center for Instructional Technology. Since fall 2010, she and her colleagues have offered an iPad loaner program for Duke faculty, providing classroom sets of iPads for exploration and innovation in teaching and […]

Scripting for Acquisition Calls

A SERIES ON DONOR ACQUISITION FROM JESSICA NENO CLOUDThis is the third in a series on donor acquisition by Jessica Neno Cloud, CFRE, the author of Successful Fundraising Calls: A Phonathon Scripting Workshop. Cloud is the assistant director for fundraising initiatives and planned giving at the University of Southern Mississippi Foundation. She practices evidence-based fundraising with a […]

Designing a Sophomore Living-Learning Community

A well-designed sophomore living experience program applies student development theory to sophomores, fosters student engagement, increases interaction with faculty and staff, and increases retention. Join us online to learn specific steps you can take to get your sophomore living-learning community program off the ground or what you can do to improve an existing program. Our expert […]

Ideas from the For-Profit Sector on Making Your Program More Competitive

Can you describe your institution as nimble? Do you offer programs that meet the needs of adult learners? Does your institution effectively use online education to reach non-traditional learners? Do you offer practitioner-oriented programs? Proprietary institutions have successes we can learn from. Use the insights from an instructor that has experienced both sides of the […]

Building Confidence as a New Leader: Discussion on April 25

The internal barriers new leaders face when starting a new role or project can hold them back from being successful. Negative self-talk, the inability to accept praise, and feedback that is based on your identity rather than your actions can all hinder your ability to make decisions and lead others. Join us for a one-hour […]

Chris Coward, MSW, PCC

Christine “Chris” partners with individuals and teams in both large and small organizations, using her strengths-based approach to improve their communication, productivity, leadership presence, and relationship management. She has spent over twenty years in leadership positions in a variety of non-profit settings as well as entrepreneurial start-up companies holding leadership positions in Operations and Executive […]

Solving Retention Challenges with a Team Approach: A Case Study

Campuses continue to struggle with coordinating and solving campus-wide retention and enrollment challenges. Yet, the University of Tennessee used a problem-solving approach to pull together key partners to address an enrollment challenge. This approach worked so well that they have continued to meet to solve enrollment and retention challenges across campus, such as: Understanding why […]

Podcast: What Effective First-Year Student Experience Programs are Doing

August 2014. For fourteen years, Tim Vick has been on the leading edge of developing effective first-year programs. In this podcast, we reached out to him and asked: Listen to our conversation in this 10-minute podcast: See Other Topics in Student Success

Going Beyond Articulation Agreements: Creating Meaningful Transfer Partnerships (Recording)

Students and families across the nation are considering enrolling in community college instead of moving forward with a traditional, on-campus university experience due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift could have major financial and recruitment implications for both community colleges and 4-year institutions. Both 2-year and 4-year institutions have an opportunity to adapt by creating […]

Is it Time to Launch that New Academic Program? The Art and Science of Answering that Question

Related Articles: Feasibility Checklist: The Science of Bringing New Academic Programs to LifeFinancial Modeling for New Academic Programs The challenges facing higher education in recent times are well documented. Never has it been so critical for colleges and universities to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset.  Especially for resource-constrained institutions (which is most of us), traditional financial […]