Encore: Keys to a Successful Relationship Between Deans and Development Officers

Philanthropy is critical to helping institutions meet their academic missions, and at its core, it is all about building and maintaining relationships. Although fundraising is just one of the myriad responsibilities overseen by an academic dean, the development officer is a key partner in assisting the dean in achieving those fundraising goals. To find success […]

Fundraising Essentials: Perfecting Moves Management Webcast Recording

Get practical ideas and advice on the “art” associated with the science of moves management. Gain the knowledge you need to smoothly move prospects through the donor cycle and upgrade them to the next giving level. Throughout this training, you will learn: The right questions to ask and when to ask them Identifying prospects who […]

Ann Coburn-Collins

As a former chairperson at a community college and now, in her role as the director charged with supporting SVSU’s adjunct faculty, Ann has worked to find effective means to meet the needs of the adjunct faculty. She has done this by providing professional development in teaching and learning, finding novel ways to streamline the […]

Stewardship and Donor Relations: How to Crash the Party

For years, stewardship and donor relations professionals have talked about ways in which to develop a presence at the leadership table. This may mean a standing invitation to sit in at prospect development meetings, event planning meetings, executive briefings or leadership planning meetings. Participating in all of these types of meetings are helpful for several […]

The Urgent Care Model as a Solution for Higher Ed Counseling Centers

Giving every student an assessment and 50-minute counseling session is no longer sustainable given the high volume of students needing mental health services. You are likely looking for new ways of delivering quality care to meet your students’ needs and manage your resources. Join us online to learn how the Urgent Care Model may be […]

Reaching out to the Town During Campus Expansion

There have been several stories in the news lately about colleges with growing enrollments that are planning for campus expansion (including Loyola and New York University), and these stories have highlighted both the importance and challenges of strong town-gown relations during the capital planning process. We asked Mark Beck, director of capital planning at the […]

The Skills Higher-Ed Leaders Need to Succeed

2017 Update: Following up on this research, we have published our findings and our best current thinking in the paper “The Skills Future Higher-Ed Leaders Need to Succeed.” In Denver, CO this March, Academic Impressions convened a select group of forty academic and administrative leaders from diverse colleges and universities to address the question: What are […]

Makerspaces and Academic Incubators: Giving Innovation on Campus a Home

Listening recently to Melissa Kaufman, executive director of The Garage at Northwestern University (which incubated 147 start-ups in its first year), and David G. Broz and Todd Heiser, principals for Gensler, speak about academic incubators at our recent webcast (you can obtain a recording here), I was especially struck by the research showing the hunger for […]

Grace Oh-Willeke

Grace Oh-Willeke is a Project Coordinator at Academic Impressions. In this role, she is responsible for managing the day-to-day tasks and projects of the development team. Grace collaborates with departments across the company to ensure that technological improvements meet their needs. Grace has a bachelor of arts in environmental science from Colby College and enjoys […]