Kathy Drucquer Duff, CFRE

For the past 27 years, Kathy has had the pleasure of leading teams to create transformative fundraising strategies within higher education, healthcare, and non-profit organizations. She does this because she cares deeply about philanthropy and development as a career opportunity, and she truly believes the best investment a development leader can make is in talent—because […]

Improving Faculty Advising

Over the past nine months, Academic Impressions has conducted several surveys of academic deans, department chairs, and directors of advising to investigate current trends in developing and assessing both faculty advisors and professional advisors. Among the key findings: Yet we also confirmed that over three-quarters of institutions surveyed rely heavily on faculty advisors (even if […]

Do not waste your faculty’s time: How deans can help transform end-of-semester feedback into lasting, meaningful action

“Will my students read these suggestions?” “Will they learn from and apply my feedback?” When I was a faculty member, the above questions nagged me and other colleagues as we spent hours grading final papers and projects. I carefully crafted feedback to identify strengths and offer suggestions, even linking to course readings and resources. I […]

Integrating Internationalization Strategies and DEI Initiatives at US Universities: What’s to be Gained?

Introduction Until recently at many US universities, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and internationalization programs were considered to be separate undertakings responding to different university goals. Today collaboration between the two is still the exception to the rule. This article makes a case for more and stronger collaboration between DEI and internationalization by considering what […]

Allocating Your Advancement Shop’s Resources

Many college and university advancement shops are facing increased constraints on their resources (not only budgetary resources, but staff and time) while also facing increased demand from stakeholders across the institution, who often clamor for central advancement resources, then object when they don’t receive them or receive fewer than they deem necessary for their efforts. The resulting disappointment […]

Matthew D. Pistilli

Dr. Matthew D. Pistilli works in the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness at Purdue University. For over fifteen years, Matt has focused on creating and assessing conditions and environments that positively affect college student success. Over his career, he has worked with learning analytics, the intersection of technology and learning, summer bridge programs, […]

An Innovative Model for Adult Student Orientation

Adult students have different experiences, expectations, and educational goals than traditional-age students, and they approach their transition to college with different questions and challenges. As nontraditional and working students occupy an ever larger percentage of the student demographic, adult student retention is rapidly becoming a priority at many postsecondary institutions. To gather a few tips […]

Five Things Department Chairs Need to Know About Fundraising

According to a January 2010 Academic Impressions survey of department chairs, 64 percent of department chairs felt that they were not adequately prepared to assume the role when they first began chairing their department. And of the various duties and responsibilities of the academic chair, 43 percent felt least prepared to address advancement and fundraising […]

PLA: Outreach to Faculty

CAEL just released a study of the impact of prior learning assessment (PLA) on student learning and academic success, based on findings from 48 colleges and universities. The study found significantly higher graduation and persistence rates among students who earned prior learning credit when compared to non-PLA students, as well as shorter time-to-degree and higher GPA. […]