Strategies for Supporting a Diverse Faculty

While the diversity of undergraduate student populations is steadily increasing, faculty diversity continues to lag, especially in fields such as engineering and science. To see what could be learned from institutions that have made real strides in this area, we reached out to Wanda Mitchell, vice provost for faculty development and inclusive excellence at the […]

Safety and Risk Management Training for Faculty Leading Study Abroad: Part 2

Recent international crises have prompted evacuations of American and Canadian students studying abroad, and have lent some urgency to reviewing risk management for study abroad programs. One area needing particular attention is the role of faculty who are on the ground leading study abroad programs overseas. Trained in scholarship and pedagogy, these program leaders may […]

“George”: How RIT is Encouraging Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Institutions seeking to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration in research and teaching are pursuing an array of approaches: hiring faculty into multiple departments based on shared interdisciplinary interests, launching research initiatives that provide additional funding to get interdisciplinary projects off the ground, and providing shared research spaces. One of the challenges that often remains is that faculty often […]

What is Space Flexibility? How Do You Balance It with Efficiency?

Funding for higher education ebbs and flows based on government support and tuition revenue. When the dollars flow, we have the tendency to spread our wings. New capital infrastructure adds valuable square feet that are filled quickly, whether they are needed or not. These periods of space affluence are generally short but they favor a […]

Improving Transfer with Interstate Passport: A Project Every Institution Should Know About

SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 18 colleges, universities, and organizations that are innovating to solve critical challenges with access, recruitment, retention, and student success. At AI, we have interviewed each of the recipients to learn more about the projects these institutions are […]

Navigating Leadership Transitions

Every leader generally experiences the same leadership life cycle, or what I call “Whitney’s Leadership Life Cycle,” that includes a set of stages as they begin, serve in, and leave a leadership role. There are four stages to every leadership position: Aspiring, Acquiring, Attending, and Adjourning. In order to be a successful leader, I suggest […]

Creating Inclusion in STEM

By Brice Yates, Ph.D. Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer for the College of Chemistry University of California, Berkeley     The challenges of increasing minoritized individuals enrolling in STEM have been well documented and discussed for many decades. STEM departments within colleges and universities have become more intentional in their recruitment efforts of enrolling […]

Advising: 3 Ways to Effectively Assist Students during High Traffic Periods

This article is an excerpt from Sue Ohrablo’s acclaimed book High-Impact Advising: A Guide for Academic Advisors, which you can find here. This week marks the end of yet another hectic week filled with long days, endless phone calls, appointments, emails, and walk-ins. There are times when I get frustrated that I have to answer yet […]

How One College Used the Business Model Canvas to Boost Enrollment and Develop New Academic Programs Quickly

While working to design our conference Budgeting for Innovation in San Antonio, TX, we became fascinated by the Business Model Canvas, an open-source tool developed by Alex Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, and others, which helps organizations swiftly explore alternatives, challenge assumptions, compare and set new strategies, and build shared vision and language. This tool helps institutions document their […]

Essential Retention Strategies for Entry-Level Student Affairs Professionals

Essential Retention Strategies for Entry-Level Student Affairs Professionals Three hours of training spread across five topics. [button link=”#ai-products-row” style=””]Register[/button] Learn proven strategies to curb costly attrition within entry-level student affairs staff. Learn five critical components that your student affairs department needs in order to retain entry-level staff. This training series includes over three hours of […]