Habits of Highly Effective Higher-Ed Professionals, Part 2: Finding Your Purpose

Recently, I published the article “Habits of Highly Effective Higher-Ed Professionals,” talking about how (and why) higher-ed professionals need to take Stephen R. Covey’s advice about “sharpening the saw” to life. That article stressed the importance of professional development to our careers and our effectiveness. Now I want to take a step further and discuss another habit of […]

6 Things Executive Leaders Should Know about Attracting and Retaining Effective Academic Advisors

It’s nothing new. While 2022 has brought what is being termed “The Great Resignation,” advising administrators have been struggling to attract and retain qualified, effective advisors long before the COVID pandemic and its budgetary and emotional challenges. One of the most overused, under-applied mantras in higher education is, “students first.” It sounds great, but what […]

Gateway Math: A Close Look at Miami Dade College’s Approach

SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 18 colleges and universities that are innovating to solve critical challenges with access, recruitment, retention, and student success. At AI, we have interviewed each of the recipients to learn more about the projects these institutions are pursuing, […]

As a Leader You Need Honest, Direct Feedback – Here’s How to Get It

“If you’re not getting information or feedback on a regular basis that is uncomfortable for you, go seek it out.” One of the traps a higher-ed leader can fall into is in believing that they are receiving accurate feedback when in fact their colleagues and team members are holding back. Here’s a way to break […]

In Busy Higher Ed, 3 Ways to Foster Our Own Learning

We work at institutions of higher learning, but are we doing enough to foster our own learning? RELATED RESOURCES:10 Tips for Optimizing the Return on Professional DevelopmentScorecard: How Do Higher-Ed Institutions Leverage Professional Development?Full Report: The State of Professional Development in Higher Education (February 2016) by Mickey Fitch, Academic Impressions As professionals within higher education, our […]

A Close Look at Rio Salado College’s Approach to Boosting Success for At-Risk Online Students

SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 18 colleges, universities, and organizations that are innovating to solve critical challenges with access, recruitment, retention, and student success. At AI, we have interviewed each of the recipients to learn more about the projects these institutions are […]

Free Webcast: Accelerate Your Professional Growth: A Forum for Chiefs of Staff

FREE WEBCAST RECORDING Accelerate Your Professional Growth: A Forum for Chiefs of Staff Join other Chiefs of Staff to grow your skillset, support network, and influence on campus. The Chief of Staff role is a relatively new and evolving entity on college campuses. The role is often vaguely defined and consequently, locating resources and support […]

Challenging Androcentrism in the Academy: Creating Environments that Empower Risk Taking and Confidence in Women Leaders

In a culture of androcentrism, women are likely to be stymied by a reluctance to take risks. Moreover, women who have a well-developed sense of confidence often present it differently from men. How do we shift the culture within our institutions? by Rosalind Spigel, Organizational Development Consultant and Leadership Coach, Spigel Consulting  In this fifth article […]

Designing for Student Recreation and Wellness: A Look Inside the U of Utah

As institutions strive for new enrollment and increased retention, it is no surprise that many institutions are focusing on recreational facilities in their immediate capital plans. If designed well, a new recreation and wellness facility will serve as more than an immediate invitation for prospective students and families. The physical, social, and communal aspects of […]

Due Process and the Likely Gap in Your Title IX Investigation

Series: The Compliance Issues You Need to Know About Welcome to the third in this series. You can read the first two articles here: Daniel Fusch. Bev, thanks for joining me for this conversation. There have been several cases recently in which a judge has ruled against a post-secondary education in a suit brought to court […]