Customer Service in Higher Education: More than Just Demeanor

In a survey of professionals of higher education a few months ago, Academic Impressions found that: If asked to give their institution a letter grade for customer service, most professionals would assign a “C” or lower. There is a growing awareness among managers in higher education that customer service entails more than presenting students or […]

Why Honor Rolls of Donors are a Waste of Time

In her new book The 4 Pillars of Donor Relations, Lynne Wester of Donor Relations Guru® helps you rethink donor relations practices and offers specific tips for more powerful acknowledgements, stewardship and impact reporting, recognition, and donor engagement. Get this comprehensive guide to donor relations for your shop today, and transform the way you steward, recognize, and engage your […]

Detailed Checklist: One Scenario in Planning for Advancement Efforts Overseas

Happy New Year! As we saw in the first installment in my series on international advancement efforts, it is critical to know key international holidays to best inform staff or a delegation about when (and when not to travel). Once you understand those parameters, the planning must begin and adequate time is necessary to create […]

5 Ways to Take Agency of Your Learning as a Leader

MEMBER EXCLUSIVE 5 Ways to Take Agency of Your Learning as a Leader Good leaders are constantly learning. Great leaders translate their learning into action to make a difference. The next cohort starts on Monday. Higher education has grown more complex in recent years as it faces declining enrollments, contraction of the workforce, and high […]

The Reopened Academic Library: Strategies for the Support and Safety of Students and Staff

“We’re already seeing … you tell someone to cover their nose with their mask and they roll their eyes at you. Our staff have a lot of anxiety. But we’re all in this together.” “We need students to physically distance and stay safe, and to wear masks, but the academic library is not set up […]

Challenging Androcentrism in the Academy: 7 Strategies for Leaders of Academic Institutions

Confronting gender bias in the academy and seeking gender equity and gender balance requires concerted efforts by senior leadership. Here are seven ways to make a difference. by Rosalind Spigel, Organizational Development Consultant and Leadership Coach, Spigel Consulting In this series of seven articles, we have considered leadership qualities and how they are practiced, deployed, and […]

Disintermediation: The Changing Demands of Alumni Relations

When I hear an alumni relations professional say that alumni relations programs have been disintermediated from their alumni, more often than not, I cringe. The theme of disintermediation, or the thought that social media and other technologies have decreased the alumni’s “need” for their alma mater, crops up often, and while it should signal a […]

Make Your Veterans Resources Center Effective

The New York Times this week ran a thoughtful feature following one military veteran’s transition from the battlefield to campus life. This and other recent articles on veteran students reveal that: Don Pfeffer, director of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, Higher Education Veterans Programs, and Jayne Lokken, a professor and counselor at St. Cloud […]

Building Racial & Cultural Literacy

MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE COURSE Building Racial & Cultural Literacy Deepen your understanding of racial identity within systems of privilege and power in higher education. Changing demographics in U.S. higher education are leading many of us to increase our understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion to engage with students and colleagues more meaningfully. Racial identity and its intersection […]

5 Mistakes Too Many Institutions Make in the RFP Process

A NEW SERIES ON RFPs, CAPITAL PLANNING, AND PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS This is the first in a series of articles by Neil Calfee. Currently the principal of NPC Group, specializing in the creation and negotiation of public/private Partnerships, Neil Calfee previously served as Arizona State University’s director of real estate development. He has over 15 years […]