Spotlight on Innovation: Making the Library Central to Adult Learner Support at The College of New Rochelle

SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 24 colleges and universities that are innovating to solve critical challenges with access, recruitment, retention, and student success. At AI, we have interviewed each of the recipients to learn more about the projects these institutions are […]

Students with Goggles: Virtual Reality and Adaptive Learning in the Classroom

I was recently invited to visit Ellucian’s Innovation Lab to speak with Brian Knotts, Ellucian’s Chief Data Scientist, and to sample some emerging learning technologies first hand. We discussed machine learning, virtual personal assistants, and I had the chance to don a set of virtual reality goggles to experience what it might be like for […]

Engaging International Alumni

With the balance of wealth shifting overseas — and with more colleges and universities increasing their international enrollment — international fundraising is likely to play an increasingly larger role in development at North American institutions. To learn how institutions can get started in such an effort, we interviewed Gretchen Dobson, the past senior associate director […]

How One Institution Launched a DEI Plan Without a DEI Office

Co-Written by:Kinsley McNulty, Program Coordinator of Student Life, New York Institute of TechnologyDiandra Macias, Program Coordinator of Student Life, New York Institute of TechnologySamantha Mon, Assistant Director of Career Services, New York Institute of TechnologyPaul Ferrante, Assistant Director of Student Life, New York Institute of Technology This past year, the global pandemic and the Black […]

There’s More to Lecturing than Lecturing

By Chet Jordan, Ph.D. Dean of Social Sciences and Professional Studies, Greenfield Community College     We often neglect silence. In our quest to preserve and uplift success, we shy away from what isn’t there, from who and what was left behind, and from the stories that got lost along the way. It is beautiful […]

Adjunct Faculty: A Department Chair’s Guide to Orienting New Instructors

Department chairs are busy people, and hiring and onboarding adjunct faculty is just one of many tasks on their plate (sometimes right before the start of a new semester). To make it easier, here is a checklist of essential information that chairs should share with new adjunct faculty when hiring them, including course syllabi, textbooks, […]

Distributed Leadership as a Sustainable and Inclusive Leadership Approach

Introduction Distributed leadership is best defined as participatory leadership across an organization. In an organization which practices distributed leadership, both the responsibility and the accountability of leadership is embraced and shared by those who have the expertise and skills to move the institution forward. This is accomplished not singularly as a positional leader, but through […]

Arts & Humanities: Creating Jobs and Changing Societies

By Eileen L. Strempel, Inaugural Dean of The Herb Alpert School of Music, Professor, School of Education & Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles and Baishakhi Taylor, Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs at New York University Abu Dhabi     This is an exciting time for dramatic technological advances and technological […]

Free Webcast: Accelerate Your Professional Growth: A Forum for Chiefs of Staff

FREE WEBCAST RECORDING Accelerate Your Professional Growth: A Forum for Chiefs of Staff Join other Chiefs of Staff to grow your skillset, support network, and influence on campus. The Chief of Staff role is a relatively new and evolving entity on college campuses. The role is often vaguely defined and consequently, locating resources and support […]

Ann Cavallo

Ann Cavallo, Ph.D., is Assistant Vice Provost and Director of the Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence (CRTLE), Co-Director of UTeach Arlington, and Distinguished University Professor of Science Education at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). She earned her B.S. from Niagara University, and her M.S. in Science Education/Biology, M.S. in General […]