Planning and Budgeting in a Low-Trust Environment

At a 2011 Academic Impressions conference on “Integrated Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation” (San Antonio, January 2011), 50 presidents, provosts, chief finance officers, and other members of senior leadership teams from an array of  public and private institutions were asked about the key issues and barriers they saw to making a planning and budgeting process effective — […]

6 Powerful Ideas for Building a First-Class Team on Campus

The silo mentality that often exists on our campuses often limits our collective actions, and creates redundancy and replication. Given shrinking resources and the rapid pace of change, the siloed approach to team building and decision making is neither strategic nor feasible. We must work collaboratively to utilize the collective talents of our campus stakeholders. […]

Making Summer and Special Sessions Successful: 4 Key Factors

A NEW SERIES This is the first in a series of articles from Ken Smith, Virginia Tech’s vice provost for resource management and institutional effectiveness. Smith has both chaired and staffed multiple committees charged with overall improvement of special sessions operations at Virginia Tech. He holds a PhD in Educational Leadership from Virginia Tech. You […]

Title IX Success Program

2024 Title IX Regulation Success Program for Coordinators and Investigators Space is Limited. Sign up by July 10, 2024 Buy Now Ensure you, your Deputy Coordinator(s), and your Investigator(s) are up to speed on the new 2024 Title IX Regulations. Academic Impressions has a proven record of providing comprehensive Title IX training that isn’t just […]

Five Things Department Chairs Need to Know About Fundraising

According to a January 2010 Academic Impressions survey of department chairs, 64 percent of department chairs felt that they were not adequately prepared to assume the role when they first began chairing their department. And of the various duties and responsibilities of the academic chair, 43 percent felt least prepared to address advancement and fundraising […]

Scholarly Productivity and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cultivating Community in a Remote Writing Group

Dr. Carol Anne Constabile-Heming, Professor of German, University of North Texas. Because of the isolation that resulted from the emergency shut down of colleges and universities as a response to the spread of COVID-19 in the spring semester, the sense of community that ordinarily germinates organically on college and university campuses all but vanished. This, […]

5 Mistakes to Avoid when Seeking Vendor Partners for Online Programs

EVALUATING AN EXTERNAL PARTNER External partners can provide boosts in quality, capacity and enrollment numbers for universities’ online programs. However, decision makers must be diligent in choosing who to partner with and examining which services are most efficiently outsourced.  A lack of comprehensive preparation can lead to wasted resources, unnecessary costs and stagnant enrollments. In […]

How Good is Your Crystal Ball?

with contributions from Amit Mrig (President, Academic Impressions)and Pat Sanaghan (President, The Sanaghan Group) How Academic Leaders Can Reinvigorate Forecasting and Planning Processes on their Campuses The recent surprise in the US presidential election results suggests that those who do not pay close attention to current trends and possible future events may be unprepared for […]

3 Ways to Rethink Career Services and Post-College Outcomes

Tracking post-college outcomes continues to be an urgent issue as students, parents, and lawmakers press colleges to quantify the value of a college degree. Tracking results, however, is only half the battle, says Branden Grimmett, associate provost for the Office of Career and Professional Development at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.  Institutions that want […]

Start a Young Alumni Council? Yes or No?

WHERE THIS ARTICLE BEGAN… Ashlyn Sowell was a faculty member at AI’s conference on Strengthening, Strategy and Growing Engagement for Alumni Boards. This article was sparked by conversation among schools at the event who were considering the next steps for adding a board or council to their young alumni programs. Some critical questions were raised; […]