Testing Your Emergency Response Plan

Testing your campus’s crisis response plans frequently and rigorously is key to ensuring that you can protect campus resources and recover speedily following a crisis, and as of July 1, 2010, annual testing is mandated under the updated Clery Act. Nonetheless, annual testing represents a significant shift in practice for many institutions. Nearly a quarter […]

David Reed

Dr. David Reed is the Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives at the University of Florida. He has been a driving force in the university’s AI Initiative, which began when the University was gifted academia’s fastest AI supercomputer worth over $65M. Reed has led the university’s effort to expand AI throughout the university, including creating and […]

Dr. Todd Queen, D.M.A.

Todd previously served as Dean of the LSU College of Music & Dramatic Arts and Penniman Family Professor of Music, a position he held from 2014 – 2021. His unique combination of teaching, directing and performing experience has allowed him to travel the world as an educator, stage director, singer and arts leader. During his […]

Brian M. Montalvo

As the Senior Director for Career Advising, Counseling & Education at the Florida Atlantic University Career Center, Brian Montalvo and his team help students build toward their futures by helping them gain or refine career readiness skills required to succeed into meaningful careers. Brian oversees a team of nationally credentialed career professionals who offer 1:1 […]

Eileen Soisson

Between 2011 and 2020, Eileen established and led Coastal Carolina University’s service excellence initiative, Feel the Teal®, created to enhance the university’s culture and become more service-oriented and focused on student success. She designed the service excellence program into eight training modules and oversaw all operations within the initiative. Eileen taught university employees and others […]

Engaging Transfer Students Before They Arrive

NSSE’s 2009 annual report cites low participation in high-impact activities (such as study abroad, service learning, internship, undergraduate research, or senior experience) among transfer students as one measure of engagement and likely persistence. The lowest engagement was from vertical transfers (students who enter four-year institutions from community colleges). In the survey, 62% of native seniors had participated […]

General Education Reform: Unseen Opportunities

A recent national survey conducted by Academic Impressions revealed a surprising and welcome finding that 80% of the more than 300 institutions surveyed have recently completed or are currently involved with reforming their general educationprograms. For years, leaders across all types of institutions have been calling for reforms to general education to improve persistence and […]

Laying the Groundwork for Effective Faculty Evaluation

Recent incidents in the news — at DePaul University and elsewhere — highlight the importance of building an effective faculty evaluation and tenure review process. While some problems are specific to faculty evaluation systems at particular institutions, most often the underlying issue is a lack of clarity on the criteria by which faculty are to be evaluated. […]

Keeping Your Division’s Strategic Priorities Current

Picture this scenario. Your institution undertook a lengthy and arduous strategic planning effort, to which your division responded with an operational plan, identifying a list of core initiatives intended to help meet the institution’s strategic goals. It is now two years later. Your division’s operational plan or action plan sits on a shelf (whether physical […]

Using Metrics to Support Employee Success and Retention—A Discussion for Advancement Leaders

FREE WEBCAST Using Metrics to Support Employee Success and Retention—A Discussion for Advancement Leaders Live Webcast: Monday, June 13, 2022 | 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Consider ways to restructure your metrics to meet changing philanthropic goals and staffing needs. Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic shifted the way many advancement professionals approached […]