Nick DeNardis

Nick leads the strategy, execution, and implementation of all public facing digital communications for Wayne State University, including the websites, social media and digital signage around campus. His team is also responsible for creation and maintenance of several university-wide tools including the content management system, events calendar, RSVP system, HTML email creator, form creator and […]

SEM for Community Colleges: Practical Steps

Recently, I had the chance to speak with Dr. Monique Perry, dean of enrollment services at York Technical College, who will also be facilitating our two-part, recorded webcast series Strategic Enrollment Management for Community Colleges, where she will help participants learn how to make the case for, plan, and implement a strategic enrollment management model at their community colleges. […]

Responding to Burnout and Attrition in Higher Education

FREE WEBCAST Responding to Burnout and Attrition in Higher Education Live Webcast: December 12, 2022 | 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ET (Recording Available 10 business days after the Live Training) Higher Ed has a workforce crisis – join us to learn what faculty and staff are saying about burnout, engagement, and what will retain them. […]

Spotlight on Innovation: How Jacksonville State University Plans to Boost Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 24 colleges and universities that are innovating to solve critical challenges with access, recruitment, retention, and student success. At AI, we have interviewed each of the recipients to learn more about the projects these institutions are […]

Defining Your Role as Chief of Staff

The role of Chief of Staff in relation to the President or other leader varies on many factors, such as how new your President is to the role and how involved they want you to be with decision making. Join us for this one-hour webcast to learn how to: Determine the needs of your President […]

Improving Your Gift-In-Kind Evaluation Process

Gifts-in-kind, or non-cash gifts, are unique. Most are appreciated assets that offer donors the ability to give an asset, receive a tax deduction for the value, and, depending on the donor, avoid capital gains tax. Yet, there are many gifts-in-kind that aren’t so easy to accept. This may be due to unverifiable value, such as […]

FREE | Supporting Faculty Transitions to Teaching Online: A Discussion for Academic Leaders

FREE WEBCAST RECORDING Supporting Faculty Transitions to Teaching Online: A Discussion for Academic Leaders   The live webcast took place on April 3, 2020. Please register to get access to the recording. COVID-19 Critical Response DISCUSSION SERIES Watch a webcast recording where our experts connect with the broader higher education community to share ideas and […]

Overcoming Three Common Challenges in Online Advising

Providing access to online academic support presents a unique set of challenges. This webcast will help online advisors understand how to build relationships with students given the unique needs and challenges that exist in online environments. Join us for this online training and hear how one institution reduced overlapping processes, broadened their outreach to students […]

Eric Spicer

Eric Spicer is the Assistant Vice President of Unit Development for the ASU Foundation. In this role, Eric serves unit leaders within the ASU Foundation as they build and lead high performing teams. He is also privileged to help amazing people create transformative impact by investing in access to education, student success, groundbreaking research, and community […]

Thank You! FREE WEBCAST: Building the Capacity of Your Advancement Team

Leadership volunteers can help to advance your institutional goals not only through their major gifts, but through their ambassadorship as advocates of the mission you convey, and by opening access to opportunities as well as leveraging expertise and input that only they can provide. However, if you don’t have a defined objective on what these […]