Advancing a More Equitable Transfer Agenda: Lessons from the City University of New York

Chet Jordan, Ph.D., Dean of Social Sciences and Professional Studies, GreenfieldCommunity College We often neglect silence. In our quest to preserve and uplift success, we shy away from what isn’t there, from who and what was left behind, and from the stories that got lost along the way. It is beautiful to celebrate the grit, […]


Al Wolf has over twenty five years of design and production experience including over twenty years with Hastings+Chivetta where he has been the project designer for numerous STEM facilities including the Engineering Building expansion at SIUE. Al is an expert in the complex design issues that go into designing modern academic spaces. As the project […]

Jenny Dugger

Jenny is focused on enhancing procedures, accommodations, services, and the overall climate of Portland State University in efforts to create and maintain a more accessible and welcoming campus for all students. A great deal of her time is spent educating the campus community on ODS policies and procedures, compliance with disability-specific legislation, and matters of […]

Special Edition: Boosting Retention for Ethnic Minority Students

How does your campus support the academic success and retention of ethnic minority students? In “Campus Diversity: Beyond Just Enrollment,” Mary Hinton, the vice president for planning and assessment at Mount Saint Mary College, argues that often colleges and universities have prioritized enrolling an ethnically diverse incoming class without planning for the follow-through: academic success […]

Partnering with Faculty in Early Alert: A Faculty Perspective

PARTNERING WITH FACULTY – FROM A FACULTY PERSPECTIVE Bernadette Jungblut of West Virginia University recently spoke to this issue — from a faculty perspective — at an April 2015 Academic Impressions webcast. Now, In this article, Jungblut offers further strategies for partnering with faculty effectively. What follows includes both an institutional case study and Bernadette’s […]

FREE: Navigating the Graduate Enrollment Landscape Mid-Pandemic

FREE WEBCAST RECORDING Navigating the Graduate Enrollment Landscape Mid-Pandemic   The live webcast took place on May 6, 2020. Please register to get access to the recording. Navigating the New Normal DISCUSSION SERIES Watch a webcast recording where our experts connect with the broader higher education community to share ideas and answer questions as campuses […]

Create Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities for your Major Donors

Leadership volunteers can help to advance your institutional goals not only through their major gifts, but through their ambassadorship as advocates of the mission you convey, and by opening access to opportunities as well as leveraging expertise and input that only they can provide. However, if you don’t have a defined objective on what these […]

Nick DeNardis

Nick leads the strategy, execution, and implementation of all public facing digital communications for Wayne State University, including the websites, social media and digital signage around campus. His team is also responsible for creation and maintenance of several university-wide tools including the content management system, events calendar, RSVP system, HTML email creator, form creator and […]

Monica Adya

As Dean of Rutgers School of Business-Camden, Rutgers University, Dr. Adya steers the direction of the school through strategic growth of undergraduate and graduate programs, an executive education unit, as well as Centers of Excellence. Her current priorities include developing and implementing strategies for bridging academic scholarship with industry, and developing the school as a […]