High Performing Teams in Higher Education: How to Make Yours One of Them

High Performing Teams in Higher Education: How to Make Yours One of Them The challenges facing your department or division are going to take more than just one smart person to solve. It’s also going to take more than just getting a group of smart people together. You’re going to need a high performing team […]

Stephanie Akunvabey, Ed.D.

Dr. Stephanie Akunvabey currently serves as Pace University’s Associate Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion & Chief Diversity Officer. As CDO, she leads a division that is committed to creating and sustaining a welcoming and just campus climate for all members of Pace University through inclusive policies, practices, and programming for the University and its […]

Luella Benn

Luella has worked in both K-12 and Post-Secondary Education; much of her work has centered around ensuring equitable access for students with disabilities, as well as working directly with students on skill-building. Her passion for access in education is personal––growing up in house with multiple siblings with significant disabilities, Luella witnessed the impact of both […]

Women in Leadership Learning Hub

Claim Your Space How Do We Advance Women Leaders in Higher Ed? Even after gaining equal opportunities in the workplace 50 years ago and gaining the right to vote a century ago, women still only represent 30% of college presidents. And only 5% are women of color. As women in higher education, how do we […]

Jackie Buckrop

Dr. Jacquelyn “Jackie” Buckrop has over three decades in higher education, serving in faculty and administrative roles, sometimes at the same time. She currently serves as the Special Assistant for Academic Operations in the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Teaching Professor of Communication Studies at Ball State University. […]

Dr. Richard Irwin

Dr. Irwin was recently appointed to his current position after serving as associate dean for University College since 2010. In his previous capacity Dr. Irwin was responsible for reinvigorating a number of prior learning assessment (PLA) functions—most notably the college’s experiential learning credit program. As interim vice provost, one of Dr. Irwin’s major responsibilities is […]

Andrew Naylor

Andrew is a campus housing professional with 22 years of experience. At FIU, Andrew has worked closely with the Fostering Panther Pride program for the last five years to ensure homeless students and students from foster homes are provided housing on campus as they transition into the university. Partnering with their success coach, Andrew meets […]

Essential Leadership Skills for Deans

Leading as an academic Dean demands a specific and often diverse skillset that requires you to inspire those above, across, and below you in the organizational structure. If that’s not complex enough, you’re doing this work in the context of frequent leadership transitions, evolving student needs, increasing competitive pressures, scarce resources, and the highest levels […]

Comprehensive Transfer Support: A Case Study (Webcast Recording)

The Center for Pathways Advising & Student Success at the University of Cincinnati is something of a “one-stop shop” for all things transfer: from partnership-building with two-year institutions, to transfer student advising and credit articulation, to transfer engagement programming. Join us online to learn how this innovative center has made the University of Cincinnati more […]

Mental Health Resources for the Campus Community

Mental Health Resources for the Campus Community Create a “network of support” on your campus by training faculty and staff to recognize and engage with students experiencing mental health challenges. Why is a cross-campus approach to mental health so critical? Watch Anne Browning from the University of Washington make the case for faculty and staff […]