Handling Footage in a Campus Crisis: Others’ Footage

THE NEXT LEVEL IN CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS This article is part of an ongoing series by Cindy Lawson on taking your crisis communications and response planning to the next level. The previous articles in the series include: Presidents’ Advice for Campus Leaders in a Crisis Social Media Triage: How to Create a Social Media Incident Command […]

Fundraising After a Disaster: Learning from the Christchurch Earthquakes

Ashlyn Sowell: During my recent leave from Gettysburg College, I travelled to Christchurch to speak to the Educate Plus New Zealand local chapter.  I was quite moved by the challenges that my international colleagues face in fundraising after the devastating 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. One woman said to me, “I know we are supposed to […]

Prioritizing Team Chemistry Over Individual Performance: What Higher Ed Can Learn from Athletics

In higher education, as in other sectors, managers tend to prioritize individual talent over team chemistry. This is a mistake. Consider a sports team. The individual talent of the star players isn’t enough to ensure victories for the team. The best players have to do more than just score points, block shots, or play great […]

Creating a Written Professional Development Plan

In our second annual survey on The State of Professional Development in Higher Education, we learned that those who optimize the return on their investments in professional development (PD) are very intentional about making those investments. They don’t just go to the same events annually; they actively seek out new ideas for their department, and […]

Giving and Recognition Societies – We Can Do Better!

I frequently say to my friends in donor relations that I would like to find the person who invented giving societies and give them a swift punch or two. I am of the opinion that great donor recognition does not hinge on giving societies. I am also of the probably unpopular opinion that most donors […]

Disability Services: Accommodating Student Veterans Webcast Recording

For many veterans, making the transition from life in a war zone to life as a college student can be challenging. More than ever before, disability services staff members, with their understanding of the unique challenges veterans are facing, can often become advocates for helping veterans connect to available resources. Join us online as our […]

How Do You Make the Case for Funding Maintenance and Renewal for Campus Facilities?

YOU’LL ALSO WANT TO READ:Benchmarking Deferred Maintenance: A Recent Survey (May 2012)Proactive Approaches to Deferred Maintenance (November 2011) In our January – February 2012 survey of facilities managers (read the executive summary here), Academic Impressions learned that while physical plant operations at most institutions have assigned a high priority this year to addressing their deferred […]

Responding to Microaggressions in Online Learning Environments During a Pandemic

With faculty and students both stressed during the pandemic, microaggressions may become more frequent in our online learning environment. Here are some practical strategies for mitigating the impact of microaggressions in online and remote classes. by Dr. Tasha Souza, Associate Director for Inclusive Excellence for the Center for Teaching and Learning, Professor of Communication, Boise […]