Courses with No Syllabi: A Unique Instructional Model at LDS Business College

In this interview, learn about a unique approachto designing a more immersive learning experience. In this short clip, you’ll hear my conversation with Bruce Kusch, the current president of LDS Business College. Formerly the chief academic officer at LDS, Bruce spearheaded an instructional framework there called the i4 model of design. i4 means campus instruction […]

Presidential Transition: 3 Things Chief Advancement Officers Can Do to Help the New President Start Right

A presidential transition can be a challenging time, and those critical first conversations will set the tone for the partnership ahead. by Sasha Egorova, Academic ImpressionsInterviewing Jake Heuser, Bradley University Welcoming a new president can be an unnerving event for the whole campus. It can particularly be a challenging time for the vice president of advancement […]

Video: Trust and the High-Performing Team in Higher Education

Drawing on current research on high-performing leadership teams both within and outside of higher education, Pat Sanaghan, president of The Sanaghan Group and author of Collaborative Leadership in Action (2011) and the forthcoming book, How to Actually Build an Exceptional Team (2013), has identified 10 differentiators of exceptional teams, 10 qualities that enable teams to rise […]

Managing Student and Employee Complaints

In part one of this discussion series, The Impact of Enhancing Customer Service in Higher Education, learn techniques for managing common student and employee complaints to enhance satisfaction and retention. 

Managing Difficult Customers

In part two of this discussion series, The Impact of Enhancing Customer Service in Higher Education, learn techniques for diffusing common challenges that arise when managing difficult customers. You won’t make everyone happy, but you can surely try!

Helping Students Tackle Complex Problems: An Educational Model at James Madison University

Higher education is working to prepare students to deal with complex problems and unending disruption. But courses with lengthy syllabi and reading lists may do the opposite. How do you develop courses that truly teach students to be innovative? Enter X-Labs at James Madison University, a model of education that offers transdisciplinary, project-based academic courses […]

Free Webcast: Overcoming Microaggressions as a Faculty Member

FREE WEBCAST RECORDING Overcoming Microaggressions as a Faculty Member Learn how to manage microaggressions as a faculty member to achieve greater psychological safety and personal effectiveness in the workplace. As faculty in higher education, you have likely received some campus training on microaggressions. However, the way these incidents show up between and among faculty, administrators, […]

Workshop: Customer Service in Higher Education: Certification Training

ON-CAMPUS WORKSHOP Customer Service in Higher Education: Certification Training View Video Transcript Expand There is so much value to having the whole team, as well as all the departments, all together for an on-campus workshop. That’s somewhere where from the very beginning everyone understands what is customer service? How do we define it? So that […]

More than Dollars: How Many Opportunities are You Missing with Your Alumni?

Series: Creating the Conditions for Support Everyone is trying to raise more money. Rather than simply suggest the next tactic that can boost giving in the short-term, this series offers a more intensive look at the strategic thinking that drives philanthropic support: Why do donors give? How do institutions strengthen their core and emphasize initiatives […]

The Best Questions Gift Officers Can Ask to Move Prospects Toward Solicitation

Knowing how to turn a discussion with a prospect toward a specific gift commitment requires intuition and skill. It is a matter of timing that requires us to know where each prospect is in the philanthropic decision-making cycle. This we know: From the time we begin the philanthropic dialogue with a prospect until she or […]