Strategies to Create More Engaging Online Courses (Virtual Workshop)

As we move our instruction online in response to the COVID-19 crisis, we feel immense pressure to create quality learning experiences. We find ourselves grasping for strategies to engage our students in our new online environment. “Engaging” is a buzzword that appears in our faculty meetings, higher ed articles, and social media posts, but many […]

Critical Considerations for Accelerated Degree Programming

Launching accelerated programs comes with a distinct set of challenges for a host of campus stakeholders. Proactively addressing these risks will help provide a high quality experience and help ensure it is a suitable long-term program. Join us for an online training designed to help surface the key challenges that accompany the launch of accelerated […]

Faculty Development: Ideas for a More Inclusive Classroom

According to the 2014 Open Doors Report, the number of international students at US colleges and universities increased by almost 8% from 2013. As colleges become more culturally diverse, it’s imperative for faculty to enhance their understanding of intercultural competence to better serve and retain this important student demographic. However, many faculty struggle to embrace […]

Sherilyn Smith, MD, ACC

I partner with leaders to connect deeply with their own values and strengths so they can empower others to move their organizations to the next level of excellence. Sherilyn is Professor Emerita at the University of Washington, a retired academic pediatrician and an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with over 30 years of experience in […]

Anita Kite

As a leadership coach, team coach, and group facilitator, Anita helps clients identify and sidestep many of the inner gremlins that keep them from achieving their goals. Think of her as your thought partner who, through powerful questions, helps you identify your roadblocks and explore your limiting beliefs. She often leverages humor to prompt self-reflection […]

John A. Pelesko

John was appointed to his current position in July 2019 with oversight of UD’s largest college of more than 7,000 undergraduate students, 1,100 graduate students, as well as over 50 academic departments, research institutes, interdisciplinary centers, and programs. He is a distinguished scholar and mathematician, with research on mathematical modeling of physical systems, especially micro […]

Checklist: Preparing Adjunct Faculty to Teach Online

Department chairs and program directors are busy people, and orienting adjunct faculty may not be top of mind. But adjuncts who are teaching online for the first time need support and information to hit the ground running. Here is a quick checklist of items to cover with first-time online instructors. by Teresa Focarile, Boise State University(who […]

Faculty Checklist: Steps to Respond to Classroom Incivility

Finding a balance between protecting free speech and keeping classroom discussions professional is often easier said than done in an election season when anything from climate change to history lessons might quickly become a hot topic. For practical, useful advice on classroom civility, we talked with Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at […]

How One Institution is Using Competency Based Examination to Accelerate Degree Completion

Seeking to provide students with multiple paths to earn credit toward a college degree, Colorado State University-Global Campus already offers a wide range of alternative credit options, including Prior Learning Assessments (PLAs) and credit for CLEP and DSST exams. But recently — in June 2014 — CSU-Global added a new option, allowing students to take […]