Tom Gutto

Tom is responsible for leading programs and initiatives within Enrollment Management, and collaborating across the institution, to create partnerships and systems that best support transfer students both as incoming students as well as during their time at LMU. Tom works very closely with each LMU college to ensure not only the matriculation and smooth transition […]

Deirdre Childs

Deirdre’s career path in Access Services began as a student worker at Temple University. She learned and developed as staff before moving into leadership roles. She received her M.S. in Library Science from Drexel University and is currently the Access Services Manager at West Chester University Libraries.

Karyn Mallett

Since the creation of the center and of her position three years ago, the main thrust of Karyn’s work has been to administer and research language-supported aspects of campus internationalization at the university. She coordinates and oversees all English language support aspects of the new ACCESS and BRIDGE programs, including ELI-CISA Program staffing, language-related program […]

Beating Turnover in Higher Ed

Beating Turnover in Higher Ed 3 New Findings From Academic Impressions Based on a survey of 2,577 higher-ed professionals. READ THE REPORT LEARN MORE IN A FREE WEBCAST GET ACCESS TO ALL ONLINE TRAININGS   Summary: 71% of higher education employees would be more likely to stay at their institution if they had increased access […]

Roger Bounds, Ph.D.

Roger Bounds serves as Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and is a Professor in the Department of Health Sciences.  Dr. Bounds provides leadership for the Faculty Affairs division in the office of the Provost and for the Teaching and Learning Center at NAU. He also co-facilitates the NAU University Leadership Program. Dr. Bounds has been […]

Powered by Predictive Data: How Central Carolina Community College Will Identify and Support At-Risk Students through Proactive Coaching

For boosting completion rates for at-risk students, how much of a difference can structured student coaching make? Here’s what Central Carolina Community College is trying. SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 18 colleges and universities that are innovating to solve critical challenges […]

Amy Paulus

Since 1998, Amy has worked at the University of Iowa Main Library and currently oversees access services, which consists of the circulation/reserve, interlibrary loan, and bookstacks departments as well as the media collection, off-site storage facility and most recently, the Google Books project. Along with other librarians and IT services professionals, Amy serves on the […]

Holly Herrera

Prior to joining Columbia, Holly was at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for over 14 years where she coordinated admissions partnerships between the university and several community colleges in order to increase access to higher education for transfer students. By focusing on access and adjustment throughout her career, Holly has worked closely with campus […]

FERPA Regulation Basics

Campus faculty, staff, and administrators who have access to student records must understand how the latest FERPA regulatory changes impact their use of protected information. Compliance becomes tricky given the number of employees accessing protected information, the frequent turnover in the employee pool, and the various exceptions that FERPA permits. Join us online for a […]

Addressing a Changing Landscape in Higher Education Due to COVID-19: Lessons From One Institution for Academic Leaders

ByAnand R. Marri, Dean and Professor, Teachers College, Ball State University Paaige K. Turner, Dean and Professor, College of Communication, Information, and Media, Ball State University Susana Rivera-Mills, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ball State University While the COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges for higher education institutions across the world, it […]