Benjamin M. Forche

Ben is very passionate about the role Appreciative Advising plays in the relationship between a student and advisor. He is an advocate of technology in advising and the positive relationship effects, specifically the use of virtual advising, mass communication, social media, and automated systems. Combining these two practices has enabled Ben to connect with his […]

The Antidote to Pandemic Disillusionment: Shepherding Your Community with Intention and Care

By Mary Dana Hinton, Ph.D.President of Hollins University As part of our opening State of the University address, a tradition on many college campuses, Hollins University faculty and staff had the opportunity to learn together in a variety of small group settings. Besides hearing information about the university and how we are performing, we also […]

12 Keys to Making Alumni Interviews in College Admissions Effective

An effective alumni interviews in admissions program can be a win-win-win for alumni, admissions, and college applicants, but it takes some real work to set up a program and continue improving it. Here are the key items you need to know and address from the start. by Kathy Edersheim (President, Impactrics LLC)  For many colleges and […]

Transitioning International Students into Your Donor Pipeline

With the balance of wealth shifting overseas — and with more colleges and universities increasing their international enrollment — international fundraising is likely to play an increasingly larger role in development at North American institutions. To learn how institutions can get started in such an effort, we interviewed Gretchen Dobson, the senior associate director for […]

Altheia Richardson

Dr. Altheia Richardson’s career in higher education has spanned over 30 years, primarily focused on making the institutions at which she has worked to be more diverse, equitable and inclusive. While at Clemson University, Dr. Richardson was afforded the unique opportunity to develop and lead the first Multicultural Affairs Department in 1996.  She led this […]

Supporting Adjunct Faculty: An Investment in Your Instructors, an Investment in Your Students

A 2010 US Department of Education study found that adjunct instructors teach 60% of the college courses in the US. They represent a critical first line of instruction for many students, yet often receive minimal faculty development and minimal institutional support for serving students. This week, we interviewed Jennifer Strickland, the interim director for Mesa […]

Disrupting the Status Quo: 5 Counterintuitive Notions for Inspiring Creativity

Creativity is an essential aspect of human nature, yet many people struggle to embrace it, either from insecurity or fearing its potential unpredictability. While it is tempting to stick to familiar routines that afford the comfort of not dealing with potential failure or uncertainty, there is no room for personal or organizational growth with this […]

Strategic Financial Aid Allocation for Retention

Financial, academic, and social challenges make student retention a complex issue on any campus. Amidst this complexity, many institutions continue to widely allocate limited financial aid funds without a clear understanding of which students are most incentivized by financial support. Those who are able to accurately target students most in need of financial incentives for […]

Dr. Stephanie Troutman Robbins

Stephanie (she/her) is a Black feminist scholar, mother of three, and first-generation college student. She is a formally affiliated faculty member in Rhetoric, Composition and the Teaching of English, Africana Studies, the LGBT Institute, and Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies. She received a dual-PhD in Curriculum & Instruction and Women’s Studies from the Pennsylvania State […]